what is this diease?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 27, 2004
my guppies are mostly infected by this white line across its body... is this a bacterial infection? which medication would work in my planted tank? My water is clean and its been running for 2 years. Other fish are healthy except for the guppies, can this be the guppy plague? please help!
what are the other symptoms? behavioral symptons - are these fish eating? Any other external signs of disease? What are your water parameters? How often do you do water changes?
i change water weekly, ph of 6.6 and kh of 2. I add baking soda every water change. nitrate around 10 ppm. and the fish are always swimming towards the water current. Some have fins that turn white. They eat only a little
baking soda? why baking soda?

Ok, well it sounds like whatever it is - is fungal and not bacterial, but it's hard to say. I would start on a fungal medicine and keep a close eye on them. If you have a QT tank I would put them in there for treatment. You don't have a pic do you?
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