What is this red spot on cory? Is it blood?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 2, 2013
I have been noticing these red spot on this Cory and smaller red spots on the other cories. There is no sharp objects and no aggressive fish only the cories and Siamese Algae Eaters unless the Siamese Algae Eaters are but I mostly see them just chasing eachother around and not cories. Awhile ago I saw this then it disappeared eventually now it's back. But they are always foraging and highly active. What is it?

Unless the spots grow, or increase in number, or the fish behaviour changes, I don't think it's too worrying. It's not blood, that's for sure. Red on fish skin can indicate internal infection showing through, but typically you'd see than on the belly or the gills.
Unless the spots grow, or increase in number, or the fish behaviour changes, I don't think it's too worrying. It's not blood, that's for sure. Red on fish skin can indicate internal infection showing through, but typically you'd see than on the belly or the gills.

Ok. They are still eating and swimming around and I added some stress coat then it started to disappear. Its no longer big as it used to be.
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