what is this saltwater plant?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 24, 2012
It came on a piece of LR and is growing new pieces. No clue what it is. If anyone could help please


Chlorophyll has left the building! Lol dead pieces red right? the live stuff is green? Or am I missing something?
Yeah, perhaps, the new pieces are yellow right now but they're still fresh, ill post another picture when its larger, thanks :)
Looks like Sargassum to me, which is a brown macro algae. There are many types of sargassum, and I'm fairly sure.
Caleurpa is usually green when growing, and white when dying. At least it's always looked that way in my tank. The fact that this is "growing new pieces" but still appears brown indicates it's probably a brown algae.
If you don't want it, send it to me! LOL
I kind of collect Macro Algae in my fuge.
I hope you're not being sargastic! Ha. Yeah it looks a lot like that one, good call. Thanks
Not sargastic at all. :p
I currently have Caleurpa, gracilliara, halymenia, halimeda, C. barbatos, mermaid's fan, pinecone, shaving brush, and chaeto in my fuge. Always looking for new specimens. I think Ochtodes is next on my list, though.

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