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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2011
Oxford, OH
I just noticed that there is a weird coloration on my diamond tetra's tail. There also seems to be a white bump. I'm currently fighting a big out break of ich in the tank so there are near pristine conditions of water and 1tbs of salt per 5g. I am doing PWCs every other day and about 15-20g every time. Is this some sort of bacteria or something worse?
Here's the other side of the fish. Here you can kind of see the white bump. The tail is a weird color as well.
I say it looks like a bacterial infection, if it is like fuzzy, then it might be, discoloration is another sign
I use tetra ick guard and tetra fungus guard to treat these very good products!
If either of those two dont work you might be dealing with columnaries. Which will need a more advanced type of antibiotics.
Me too!

I recently lost my pets Mart bought crowntail beta, he was beautiful, until that got the best if him :(
Mines just a baby. You know those baby bettas they sell? Cuteness got the best of me. I was able to cure him with some kanaplex and aq salt. He's happilly living in his 5gal with his water westeria lol.
Hah, nice to hear you saved your fish!

My CT did not do very well, I was a pretty "dumb" 12 year old at the time, and of course I listened to this petsmart person who told me it was a fungus, boy was he wrong!
I haven't seen those baby betas, although I'd buy one if I did!

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