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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 5, 2016
so my little sister got this new tank and i helped her starting it up after it have been nasty and ugly. but then we just looked at the hood and wondered what this is.

i would be thankfull if any of you guys could tell me this


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No it wasn't

i will try take another picture, it might help to get it from another angle

also i dont understand why it it like a little box and what its used for


  • 20160505_132831961_iOS.jpg
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I guessing on both but thought would be dried plant leaves(?) and wondering if the box was for an auto-feeder or filter. Are you able to google or post the brand? I'm afraid I probably won't recognise it but someone more local should (assuming you are in US).
Maybe it's a plate you can maybe push out and snap off to be able to put food through? Lol I'm probably way off

OK thanks for your replies. im glad you got those thoughts about the box. :)

And i think it is for a filter og an autofeed device. i live in denmark. unfotunatly i am not able to see what the brand is, because i couldnt find any place to look for it, which maked it hard to google. :blink:

and of course if you have more ideas to what it can be you are welcome to post
OK thanks for your replies. im glad you got those thoughts about the box. :)

And i think it is for a filter og an autofeed device. i live in denmark. unfotunatly i am not able to see what the brand is, because i couldnt find any place to look for it, which maked it hard to google. :blink:

and of course if you have more ideas to what it can be you are welcome to post

It's for overflow filter the small hole would be the feeding hole and the larger for the water fall

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Nice thank you

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If you get creative you can build undergravel filter and hook to to the overflow, this way the water will get filtered through the gravel, then through the media up the undergravel filter to the overflow where it can get something like 3rd stage filtration and then back to tank ? That's what I would do most likely and its provide adequate filtration

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Yeah thats a good idea

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