what kind of anemone is this?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 12, 2005
St Petersburg Fl
my friend this and a white one with orange base(foot) and a tan one for a greenish base(foot)

he got them for a good deal and once my tank is to the level of keepin anemones Im thinkin of goin with them....just want to do some research on them and the clowns that are compatible

alos how hard are they? lighting and all ( i know the base requirements and lighting but i also some anemones are easier then others, please dont preach about what i have its ready for them cause i already know and it gets annoying getting the same speech, thanks)
Sounds like maybe a condy. (Condylactis gigantea)

I picked out these two, because IME these are the most common and most inexpensive anemones that I have seen at a lfs...
urrg....the pic isnt working
its tell me im over my 2mg quota but i get an option to delete anything to make space

look at my gallery for the sea anmone....im thinkin it may be the condy....its supposely from fla or haiti
It is def. a condy..(Condylactis)

Info from Liveaquaria:
The Haitian Reef Anemone, also known as the Pink-Tip Condy, is found near Haiti, in lagoons or on inner reefs, as individuals, or loose groups. It is never found in connected clusters. It has a red column with long, tapering, pink-tipped tentacles. The tentacles may occasionally develop a bubble-like appearance. Generally it likes to bury the base in the sand or into the crevice of a rock for protection.

The Haitian Reef Anemone requires strong light and should never be purchased if a good lighting system is not in place. It will do well in an aquarium with live rock and several crustaceans. Although an Anemone requires a reef environment, it is not the best suited for the reef aquarium. The Haitian Reef Anemone moves around the tank and has a sting that can inflict grave damage to other anemones and corals. Do not include its natural predators such as the Red-Leg Hermit Crab. Unlike other anemones, the Haitian Reef Anemone does not have a relationship with any particular fish, and it is rare for any type of clownfish or damsel to reside within them.

The diet should include feedings of fish, mussels, shrimp, or other foods of this type.
I am not going to preach at you even though I am a preacher.. :p but what type of lighting do you have?

PS. Most say they will not host, but most all I have seen will host a clown. Mine Did.. :D
i hope to have a dual VHO and a dual MH before getting them
my tank is only about 18" tall so not sure if I will spend the extra for the MH and go with a 2nd VHO kit

Def. do the light upgrade first though. All in all you have a great tank to house one, with the upgraded lighting of course. Just make sure that your tank is well established though before introducing one....

Good Luck!! :p
i fugured by the time i have all my lights then the tank should be mature enough
all stats are good :)
I already have the vho kit to get me up to 220 watts :)
and have a pair of true peculars coming too
Wow just noticed that your cycling was complete on 6/14/05.

You need to wait till your tank is at least 6 months old, at least... :D

Not preaching just advising.. :wink:
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