What Kind Of Plants For A 10 Gal?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 3, 2004
I want to breed Buenos Aires Tetras in my 10 gal (They will be moved to a larger aquarium). I did some ( some ) research and they say that they lay their eggs on plants. I don't know if they mean fake or real. So if they mean real, what kind of plant would be good for a 10gal? Someone recomended java moss but I thought I'd get a second (or 10th) opinion.

Thankjs, Beacious. :pimp:
Flourescent provide more energy per watt I think, so where 3 wpg might be ok for a flourescent, 3.5 wpg might be necessary for incandescent. Sounds like Beacious has moderate levels of light, which should be ok for most plants.
I read that their "Relatively easy to breed, make sure broad leaved plants are in the tank for the fish to spawn on.".
Endgame319 said:
Are incandescent watts equivalent to flourescent watts???

Flourescent put out way more light than incandescent. Eg. my 36 watt flourescent is rated at 2400 lumens, while my 50 watt halogen is rated only 650 lumens.

To grow plants, you pretty much need flourescent light. Cheapest way for Beacious to go is to try to fit a compact flourescent bulb into the fixture (These are the ones that have screwed on base to fit regular light sockets - found at home deopt & others). Several people here had done that & reported that it works well. The only problem is that the compact flourescents are quite bulky & they might not fit into the canopy.

For low light plant, try Java fern - it will grow even in the dark.
you can find screw in flourescent lighting for your hood if you want. I use 2 coralife bulbs, 10 watts each. 2 WPG for my 10 gallon. i've had pretty good success with lots of types of plants. i do add CO2 though.
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