what kinda crab

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Jim D

Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2003
my tank been running about 7months now and this showed up. Also a very small blackish one about 10mm across with two white staggered stripes on its back...only saw that once. any thoughts and are they ok in tank...they seem a bit shy. also my lemon peel angel seems to think its gonna clean it and lies down near it.
Hey, what are those other coral-thingies in that picture?? Am I right to assume that that photo was taken at night? If so, I have one of those things and I have not found out what it is!
Not sure..a small odd bit of green polyp the aquashop threw in for nought.
The coral thingies are actually a form of Zooanthid... They are reaching because the lighting isn't very strong...
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