what should we get next

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Shrimp are a lot of fun. I would get a half dozen or so. They won't add that much to your bio load. Mine will snack on whatever I feed my fish as well as forage for algae and decaying plant matter.
Yes, neons have the blue and red stripe and stay fairly small. Plus they are an active mid water swimming fish.
Platys are cute but will breed. If the fry have a place to hide a few should survive here and there.
We did have a red-tailed black variatus. I think that wad a form of a platy. He didn't make it I'm guessing during my cycling my nitrites got up to 5 before and the petco lady told me to do a 50% water change and told me my tank has to do this. Then I found out I needed to keep changing to get it down to 0.25 from this site. Well he lived about 2 days longer :-(
Ok I am in route to the house with a bag of 10 ghost shrimp. They wouldn't sell me 6 she said they are 10 for 2 dollars. Hope 10 isn't too much.
I'm sitting here watching my guppies licking their lips checking out the bag of ghost shrimp I have acclimating
Lol they steal my corries food. Very entertaining guys.
As they get bigger they do develop little dots of color. It's fascinating to watch them eat because you can see their organs move. Also tje more peaceful the tank the more active they are. They swim to the top of my 55 and play with in my water lettuce.
Ok my ghost shrimp are hiding today. Yesterday when a added them they were pretty active now they are hiding under everything. Is this normal behavior?
They should be all over the place. But give them a day or two to settle in. I brought home 3 new ones and the little one after a week is finally getting brave enough to come out at feeding time.
Yeah I'm having to hunt them down they are hiding anywhere they can. Every now and then I see the bigger ones crawling around. They are fun to watch
I should add I know I have at least two males. The girls are constantly with eggs. However, I rarely see them. It's no wonder, those girls are tough cookies. They aren't afraid of anything. They take food straight from my cories mouth and turn on Mr. Betta.
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