What size tank should i buy?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 12, 2013
Hey all I found a great deal on a tank... It's a brand new acrylic tank... However it's 65 gal.... I also found a 75 gal for an ok
Price as well. however I can't find anywhere to
Put that tank right now:/ I have a common pleco and just bought a fresh water shark(rainbow shark) currently only an inch) . My goal was for a 150 gal tank, but I jest don't have space for that after seeing the footprint and $ on a tank that big... What tank should I get, and would a 65, 75 gal Tank work with these two fish???
As of right now my current tank
Is a 36 gal With a cascade 700 that I just put in... I was thinking of getting another cascade with the new tank as it is extremely quiet and seems like a great filter.
If I need to go with a 75, does anyone know where to get a good stand for it?
Thanks for the help
Dan :)
Hmm I like the idea of building my own lol... Thanks... Btw what would be a good filter for that tank? Is cascade a reliable brand... I just bought mine for my. 36 gal it is very quiet And the hose connections seen very sturdy? And is the acrylic better then the glass?
Acrylic is more expensive than glass due to the fact that it is less likely to crack and scratch, but honestly, if you are a good care taker, you should've fine with glass
I have fount top fin power filters quiet and reliable, a top fin power filter 75 or even 100 would be nice
Ok thanks... I'll look to see if I can find a glass 75 gal... I'm on the second floor so I'm
Kind of Nervous about 75 gallons of water... That's allot of water lol...
acrylic is more likely to scratch. the main reason why acrylic is better is because glass is around 70% clear and acrylic is over 90% clear so you have a much better view with acrylic, until it gets all scratched up then you have to buff the scratches out.
Hmmm... Well I found. Glass aquarium that is 75 gal and is 3 quarters less then the acrylic... The brand is perfecto, has anyone herd of them? The tank is 70 pounds.
Ok so which one would you guys get glass or acrylic the glass one is 258$ is that too cheep for a glass aquarium? The acrylic is 750$. I mean odiously I like the cheaper one but I don't wanna come home to a flooded room
And flooded downstairs.
Yes it is just the tank itself and is free shipping... The acrylic is the same as well just the tank no light ect...
Lol deff post pictures... What kind of substrate should I order... I'm planning on having real plants, and the tank Will consist of my pleco and rainbow shark... My 36 gal and 10 gal have gravel, however I have herd that sand is better then gravel and easier to keep clean?.. And I will be looking into the eheim filters as well thank you...
Lol deff post pictures... What kind of substrate should I order... I'm planning on having real plants, and the tank Will consist of my pleco and rainbow shark... My 36 gal and 10 gal have gravel, however I have herd that sand is better then gravel and easier to keep clean?.. And I will be looking into the eheim filters as well thank you... Also how much would I need for a 75 gal
You should get sand, I have black sand in my 29 gallon planted tank, and all my fish and my plants really stand out
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