what skimmer would you buy for 75 gal salt tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 6, 2005
What skimmer would you purchase for a 75 gallon new salt water tank. I will not be doing reef just live rock and fish and plants. I'm new to this help.
A Remora Pro would be an easy choice. Maybe even a Remora (non-Pro) if you keep a light bio load. Are you going to have a sump? What is your budget?
Is there a difference between a sump and lets say a cannister filter? I was looking at the eheim wet dry cannister filter? Would you do a sump and if so which one? How big is your tank?
I have a 75gal FOWLR and am happy with the CPR Bak Pak 2 in conjuction with my 350 Mag.
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