What species is this? Algae gobbler

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 24, 2013
So many questions. I know. Haha this guy was adopted from craigslist. Guess the lady was breeding them.


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If it is, it may not eat that much algae, especially when it gets larger. They are not the best for algae control.
what do you suggest is the best for a 29g tank?And so far he has been doing a great job for the past month and a half.
Chinese algae eaters eat algae like mad when young but they soon get up to a foot in length and never touch algae again. They can also be belligerent and aggressive. Yes your little guy will get up to a foot! I'm not so sure on what is a good 29 gallon algae eater, a school of oto cats will work but they're pretty small. Small plecos prefer driftwood and algae is actually only a small fragment of their diet.
I've had 2 bristlenose plecos in my 36 gal for a couple years now and they've done a great job with the algae, but I would not recommend getting 2 because they are quite territorial. I recently gave one to a friend with a 29 gal. They were about 1" when I got them, but now they're about 5".
I've had 2 bristlenose plecos in my 36 gal for a couple years now and they've done a great job with the algae, but I would not recommend getting 2 because they are quite territorial. I recently gave one to a friend with a 29 gal. They were about 1" when I got them, but now they're about 5".
Do they need a special diet? Algae wafers, other wafers? Etc?
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