What temperature

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 27, 2015
Hi guys just a quick question what temperature should I keep these little guys at

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Is there a reason you say that? Most Africans do best at 78-82, especially in the summer months.

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Being the summer months, houses can and sometimes do get warmer than expected, also I found 77-78 to be a common neutral when I was researching Africans at one point.

That and temperatures vary by website, some say 77 others say 80. I just try to find a common medium.
No I was talking to my friend and they keep there's at 86 and I just thought I had mine wrong but mine is a constant 80 so I just wanted to check so thank you for all your replies xx

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Is that ok x

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I keep mine 79-81. Speeds their metabolism up. And helps them grow faster. Just got to feed a bit more often. Also helps with any parasites that can't survive the high temps.

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