What to add with an aggressive molly

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 22, 2012
I have a female dalmatian molly who is 4 inches long and a bully. She has killed her tank mate, a gold doubloon molly, by bullying her. I also suspect her in my khuli loach deaths. She kept trying to eat them. She would constantly try to bite them and chase them. I wasn't aware that she could kill them. She is afraid of the snails and leaves the shrimp alone. I also have one of her fry who is turning into a bully. It constantly harasses the only other fry that survived. They are all female. The fry are about an inch long now. I want to try with more fish but what should I add? I am beginning to think that she and her baby need to go to another tank. I thought about all male scissor tail guppies but I am worried about too many fry. The DM molly ate all the other fry. She is constantly hungry. I feed her twice a day and she bullies the other two fish and
doesn't want them to eat. She did the other adult fish the same way and it burst it's swim bladder. I have taken to adding sinking pellets for the small fish. Anything I could add that she wouldn't be able to bully to death?
Sometimes you get a bad fish. If you get anything smaller then the Molly it will probably bother them. Maybe adding something larger. Maybe a couple Gouramis or angels. Festivum cichlids, or keyhole cichlids. Those are smaller cichlids that could stand up to the Molly. Bolivian rams, or larger cories could be alright too.
Thanks for the info. I kinda of like cichlids and Bolivian rams but I am not sure if they would work in my tank. I have ghost shrimp and nerite snails. I have sand as a substrate, moss and plants. I will look into the care of these two types of fish. Would barbs work? I like the green barbs but was told once that they are aggressive. I may just move her to another tank and get her another molly as big as she is. I haven't seen much on if mollies are schooling fish or if they can be kept alone. Any ideas?
Oh I didn't see the shrimp. They would be in danger with the gourami or cichlids. You could maybe try a large school of smaller tetras.
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