What to feed Lawnmower blenny?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 8, 2004
Memphis, TN
I have a Lawnmower blennie that doesn't like to eat. He seems happy, always swimming from rock to rock and checking me out. I have tried to feed him the algae sheets, but he doesn't seem interested at all. He doesn't eat flake food either. I have never seen him grazing on the algae in the tank, but I guess he could be. Anybody have any suggestions on what he might like? Is it safe to feed him the algae discs that are made for FW plecos? Thanks.
I tried everything, flake, discs, hair algae everything.... that was when he was in QT. After 3 weeks he was noticeably thin, so I ended QT early and put him in the display tank.

After a day or so, I put the very same stuff (Ocean Nutrition Seaweed Selects) on a clip half way up the side of the tank. Within minutes he tore into it. Since then he has eaten that every day, and I now see him grazing algae all over the place.

My lesson. Don't give up.

(of course the bugger won't eat the hair algae, but that's another battle)
I guess I am luck mine eats hair algae, flake, nori, frozen, even the pellets I feed to the bigger fish and inverts (after they soften up)
He is fat!! 8O
What a character. :)
I did lose one in qt that wouldn't eat before him. I learned my lesson, this guy I SAW eat at the LFS before I brought him home.
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