What to treat fin rot with??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 14, 2011
My has had fin rot since I had him a few weeks ago, I've tried melafix and a week of salted water with no improvement.
I'm looking for what to try next, the only tank mates are chilli rasboras
From what I can see its getting worse, not loosing fins yet but he's got some clear spots which look like they may turn into small holes :( at least he's still eating and being friendly!
Clear parts on the fins are usually new growth. They grow in clear then gain colour later. :) If you think it's getting worse try the myxazin because antibiotics aren't available in the UK.
Ok thanks mumma these white areas are in the middle of his fins like little pin pricks :(
maestromad said:
What antibiotics would you recommend maybe I can get them online?

As far as I know you guys have stricter laws regarding fish medication than here in Aus. I'm not sure you'll be able to find any. Something like maracyn might work.
Ok so I've got some myaxzin, will it be ok to add with the salty water or should I do a water change to get rid of it??
Ok on day 1 of treatment the bottle isn't very clear but I think it's 5 days of treatment ??
maestromad said:
Ok on day 1 of treatment the bottle isn't very clear but I think it's 5 days of treatment ??

The bottle confused me too!
It is one dose every 24 hours for 5 days. The med is only active for 24 hours so your not doubling and tripling the the dose when you add it again.
Here's a picture of mr grumpy we're on day 3 and I think im expecting miracles lol!! He's very active and comes to my hand when I feed him now, plus he seems to be getting in famously with the (now 17) chili rasboras! :)
Thanks mumma he's really starting to relax now, still had a darker red stripe along te bottom of his body, but I'm not sure it is a stress line. I don't know what he ha to be stressed about!! Lots of room And some friends lol
Ok quick update for you all (and mumma!) :)
I've added a pic of mr grumpy after a 5 day myxain treatment I think he's got worse but not sure - so where to go next?

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