What type of shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 13, 2016
Concord, CA
My friend gave me some shrimp in October. I think they are Red Cherry Shrimp. But after looking at all the pics of red colored shrimp I'm not certain.

What type do you think they are?IMG_7332.jpgIMG_7331.jpg
They are technically RCS but of a very high quality. There is a shrimp chart floating around here... I think Sakura or Painted Fire Red comes to mind.
I thought Sakura or Painted was a different kind. Lol

So it's really just a description of the color.
Basically you have your neocaridinas and your caridinas. Neocaridina shrimp include Cherry shrimp. Crystal red shrimp (CRS) are an example of caridina shrimp.
Beautiful shrimp! Nice friend :) I think Sakura. They could have been the "culls" of a high quality group because they have more white on the legs. Or they just do have more white on the legs. No matter they are stunning.

Nice Sakura ones don't get the russety red to brown tone to them and stay brilliant red, from what I have noticed. Painted red will often have the russety colored ones. I started getting Black, black/midnight blue parts (only one of them) and chocolate cherries from my PFR /painted fire red.

The color from viewing a computer screen can really change how something looks, just like whethe it is taken with cool or warm bulb lighting it up.

Thanks to Fresh you can see an actual chart. (side note the SSS pattern in red CRS from our previous discussion ;) )

Those are the top in color in my opinion, thought recently have seen some "Ruby Reds" which were amazing. I'd like to buy some of those color :brows:

But also just saw that name in the Caridina chart and thought the ones I had seen were Neos. Hmmm, more investigating.
Id say they are typically labeled as either. Ive had what they call both sakura and painted. What aquatic arts said was the fire was at a level of red wheres it is difficult to see saddle without light ?
I looked at both of the charts and all the solid reds look the same to me, the differences must be so subtle. I have 3 females that are all red with white on the legs and 2 others with clear/white in their tails so the eggs on them are really easy to see. There are five males definitely much smaller with the whole body kinda clear covered in red spots. All of the females are heavy with eggs now so I expect in a few months I will have lots of busy little shrimp. The tank has mature bogwood, plants, rock and the sand bottom. Is there anything special I should put in to prepare for the youngsters?
Moss is handy and a prefilter are two useful things if you dont already have.
I'm covered! I couldn't find a pretty sponge to cover my filter intake so I wrapped 2 layers of medium sponge around it. A softball sized patch of Fissidens fontanus and some moss covered rocks too. Can't remember what kind.
If its an ac or a smaller tube style intake. I love the fluval edge prefilters. 9 bucks on amazon for a pack of 3. Usually last about a year each.

There good looking. I have a tds/gh/kh problem im not getting berried. Not uncommon do drop the first clutch of fry.
My intake is big. Here is a stock photo. IMG_7335.JPG

What are the recommended TDS/GH/KH?
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The one with the white is a Red Rili.

If you are intersted in doing some breeding projects.....

You coud try Red Rili, separate all the Red Rili coloration to one tank. Keep separating all the shrimp.

"Culling" doesn't mean you have to kill off the ones that do not meet the standard.

You can use lesser colored shrimp for a planted bowl, or in a tank with fish who could possibly nip them but really shouldn't be a threat. And they clean wonderfully.

Take all the darkest reds especially selecting the darkest red males. Keep the two groups separate. Move the less colored reds as you see them grow up the the regular red Cherry shrimp tank, and the same with the Rili babies. Just scoop to the best color appropriate tank and keep the net near in case you see a shrimp in the wrong tank.

Just letting them all stay mixed up is a mistake if you love the really red ones alot. And you should as they are more valuable. People love the Rili shrimp too. And they can morph blue /red rili, and Blue Velvet (BV).

The person I got my really red shrimp from had bred the my BV's from their ancestors!

As mentioned the russety red brownish can make chocolate and black and deep black blue!!!

It was quite exciting to see what would pop up next with mine.

Keeping the different colors separated and breeding is the line breeding. Culling is of highest importance though.
Thanks for the input. I think the challenge is having tank space to separate the lines. I can't put anything in my Biorb as my Betta would eat it or terrorize it. My main tank has the Tetras and Khuli's. I don't think they would kill adults but any youngsters would be at risk. My Biube has nothing but Ramshorns in it now. But I would need to add more plants and wood to make it suitable for shrimp.

Now I do have a 4g Baby Biorb just waiting to get set up. Perhaps next month I can begin cycling and set up. It will be a few months before any young shrimp can be separated out for colors.

My hubbie might have kittens if I start raising shrimp on to of snails. Lol
From my experiences, since you're already planted you don't really need to do anything for the fry except prevent them from getting eaten by the filter. You'll see them wandering around the tank immediately doing all the same shrimp things as the adults; such as standing on algae wafers and getting annoyed with corydoras.

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