what water to start with?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 17, 2003
cornwall, england
i am gettting my 100 gal tank soon and will be doing the plumbing soon, and then fillinf it up with water. But the question i have is what water to fill it up with?

as i could fill it up with tap water, which is very clean, and basically only has some iron in it, and then put carbon and some polyfilter and some metal toxic sponge (that soaks up all the heavy metals, kent marine one) in the samp to get rid of everything in the water, and also be running my skimmer and fluidized bed that has rowa phos in it, and then add the salt after a few of it runnin like that?


i could go to the lfs which is around 30 mins away and get the ro from them?

what do you guys reckon?
I'd start with the RO water. Is this going to be a reef tank? I'd be very careful with the fluidized bed filter...they have been the source of more than a few catastrophes.
The money that it would cost in gas and purchasing the RO water from the LFS would definately warrant great validity to the purchase of your very own RO/DI unit for your home and aquarium... At even .50 a gal that is 50 bucks there are Ro units out there for $100... JMO

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