What's Better? Bio Wheel or Trickle Filter with Bio-Balls?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 10, 2004
Bay Area, Ca
What is better for an under cabinet filter - the larger MarineLand bio-wheel, or a wet/dry trickle filter with bio-balls?

I plan to add one of them to a 100 gallon tank that already has (2) Emperor 400's (I want overkill). Is that enough aeration?

It will be used as a Q-Tank for my pond.

Bio-wheels (with the exception of canister filters with biowheels, like the Magnum 350) are always hang-on-the-back filters. For an under-cabinet set-up, you're best off with an overflow (in tank) with sump (in cabinet, with bioballs).
My bad. I've never seen that model before! I would still go with the more traditional bio-ball set-up. IMO, those have a great deal more surface area than the biowheel.

Appreciate the info. I like them better (bio balls), and they would seem to better O2 saturate the water. Am I all wrong here?

No, I think you're right. The cascading water certainly seems to aerate the tank better in a bio-ball setup.
Just picked one up at eBay. Sized for a 200 gallon tank (6 gallons of media included). That with the 2 Emperor 400's should do it... :mrgreen: for my 100 gal.

Just a thought, I have lots of blackouts in the summer where I am and a biowheel has the potential to dry out. I've got an emperor but I toss so floss in the extra media basket to build up the yummy bacteria.
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