What's this stuff on my Java fern?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 8, 2012
High Desert, S. California
I've had black beard algae before, and it got on most of the stuff in my tank. But this stuff--it looks like black beard, but I'm not sure, since its only on this java fern, and nowhere else. Should I cut it off? Its so unsightly. Its on the roots, whatever it is. That's a petite nana anubia below it. It had a small amount of algae, but most of it came off.

DUH! Thank you, Gillie! I just now rinsed it, and a lot came off. There are still a lot of roots, but it looks nothing like it did with all that gunk! Much, much better. Thank you so much. I bet the two new BN plecos have something to do with all the detritus! Look at the difference! Those are roots on the right hand side.

That's good to know. I think I'll trim that extra long one on the right. I know some of my houseplants don't do well if you trim roots, and others benefit from it. Wasn't sure about a Java fern. You've been a great help.
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