Whats your largest fish?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 6, 2011
Canton, Ohio
What is your largest fish that you have in any of your aquariums? my largest would have to be my angelfish from my 55 gallon...
Angelfish are about 6 inches tall and 6 inches long now. Won't grow much more...
Oscar fish is about 9 inches, possibly 10 inches. Will grow to maybe 14.
Clown loaches, largest is currently 6, but most are 4. They grow to 16 inches.
Silver Arowana, currently about 3 inches, grows to 4ft.

Edit: Largest fish I have ever kept was a Common Pleco, at 18 inches. He was sold to LFS.
One of my discus would be the largest. Which one?? Not sure...they're rather similar. Perhaps 5 inches from tip to tail.
i had spotted pictuses.. they lived for a few weeks, and died.. are they brackish? maybe thats why they died on me..
I've kept spotted pictus in freshwater successfully. They are really sensitive though.. maybe it was just the shock of transferring them into a new tank? One time I bought two, one died of stress and the other lived for like five years. Turned out he wasn't pure pictus but some kind of morph or hybrid. If you want to try a pictus go for a morph or four-line. There's plenty out there. ;)
I would have to say our 3 pond koi coming in at over a foot each. Followed by our common pleco Gonzo at about 9 inches, and our dragon goby Ryuu (not the homicide victim) at about 7 inches. Our various comets (also in the pond) are about 6-7 inches and under.
3 Columbian sharks...smallest is 12" the middle one is 13" and the largest 14"
So jealous of your Columbian sharks, I would love to have some if I had the room. They're awesome fish
Currently fishless, but the largest I've kept in the past was a Managuense that got to be about 10". One of the more spirited fish I had the pleasure of keeping, to say the least.
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