when to do a pwc because of nitrate

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 22, 2006
hey, im new to my SW tank. I know i should just let the ammonia and nitrites go because the bacteria will decompse them and give off nitrate, am i right?

so at about what ppm should i let the nitrate go to before i do a pwc?

Are you trying to grow corals, or do you have a fish-only tank? Fish can withstand much higher nitrate levels than corals.

Most people just stick with the weekly pwc, and if nitrate levels can't be controlled at that rate, tackle the source of the nitrates.
Are you still cycling the tank? If so, wait until NH3 and NO2 are at zero and you notice a NO3 spike. Do a sizable PWC (50%) and see how your NO3 levels are after a few days.
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