When ... ?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 3, 2005
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I have a platy with a pretty swollen belly. So I'm suspecting she's about to give birth. Are there any particular signs (ie behavior, appearance ... etc) to determine when the time has come ..? I would like to catch the moment, but suppose my family and my boss @ work would not tolerate me sticking my face in front of fish tank for hours and days ...
It is hard to tell when they are going to give birth. When you think she looks like she's about to burst, you can start thinking that the time has come. If you want to save as many fry as possible, be sure to move her to a breeding net, and remove her from it once she has given birth. Fry can be fed crushed flakefood, or bbs.

Good luck!
take a good look at her belly....if there is a black dot above her anal fin shes definetly pregnant, if she is far enough along look real hard at her belly, if you could see black dots all in her...they are most likely the babies eyes and right before she's about to have them....you should be able to easily see the eyes....
If you want to save as many fry as possible, be sure to move her to a breeding net, and remove her from it once she has given birth.

exactly what i was thinking
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