Where did my readings go?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 20, 2005
UP of Michigan
Quick summary of my problem: I moved my fish from a 10 to 55 gallon aquarium over a month ago and still have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 0 nitrates.

Okey dokey, the details. In this thread I got a lot of advice on how to move the little guys from my 10 to my 55, and what other fish I could add. We set up the 55 gal, filled it with water, set up a Rena Filstar XP2, and got the temperature stabilized. On August 28 we moved three BA tetras, the redtailed black shark, a lot of the larger rocks, a couple of live java fern, and our HOB into the 55 gal. We kept an eye on the levels, but nothing happened; no minicycle, no nitrates, nothing. We waited until 17 September, and still nothing, so thinking that perhaps there just weren't enough fish in the aquarium to produce enough ammonia, we added three more BA tetras. It's now two weeks into October and the tank is still at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates. There are six BA tetras and the redtail in the tank, along with the java fern. We took the HOB off about three days ago. We use the AP Freshwater Master kit (liquid reagent) which we bought in June.

We did a pwc of about 15% twice, to clean up the visible poo from the sand.

What is happening? My theories (and why I don't like any of them) are:

(a) the test kit went bad. I have a hard time believing, however, that our test kit went bad overnight like that. (Before you ask, I can't get our water tested at the LFS - they don't test water.)

(b) the java fern are eating up all the nitrates. There are, however, only four average-sized java fern, which I don't think are enough to take up all of the nitrates for an entire month.

The fish all seem to be just fine and healthy (if a bit fat :) ). They're very active and eat a LOT. I am not concerned about their health at this point, but I don't want anything strange to happen suddenly.

Any thoughts? Do we just need to wait longer?
I think you didn't cycle at all and your plants are using all your available nitrates. Job well done. Enjoy the new tank.
That would be fantastic! Can three java fern really use up a month's worth of nitrates? That's amazing.
The shark is about 2 1/2 inches long, not counting his tail fin, so not all that large.

When we had the 3 BA tetras and the shark in the 10 gallon we were constantly battling nitrate levels. I guess I became used to that, and anything else feels so abnormal that I feel as though something must be wrong. :) I'm glad that isn't the case.

The plan is to add the rest of the fish (first a severum, then a school of cory cats) pretty slowly, but I will definitely be watching the levels closely. Thanks!
Not only are the plants using up the extra nutients, but you gave the new tank a head start when you added
a lot of the larger rocks, a couple of live java fern, and our HOB into the 55 gal.
You started with a lot of the bacteria you are trying to cultivate.
bigger tanks are alot more stable than 10 gal btw.. in my 10 gal i also had more problems than i do now in my 29 gal, im still changing water every 2-3 days though, i just want my adult angelfish to have the best possible water for them.. 8)
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