Where get diff color parrot chillid

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 28, 2011
US, Ga
All I can find is orange. Where can I can a blue or purple fish??
You mean a painted or dyed fish? They'd lose their coloring or die in a few months and you can probably get one from a Taiwan fish wholesaler as that's where they come from.
What's difference between painted and dyed? Can I make dye stay?
Would you want to be subjected to extreme conditions beyond your control that causes pain and a shortened lifespan to have your skin died blue/purple, or any other color? The dying process may scar your long tissue and cause you extreme pain. Why would you support any business that does this to a living animal?
:O I didn't know they get hurt. I thought it was like drinking food coloring or something. Now I know I don't wanna a different color parrot chicllids
Not at all. There are different methods of doing this, but they are all quite painful and most fish do not survive the process. Ones that do get shipped out and have all kinds of issues still.

Other fish are also dyed/tattooed. It's basically a trap to get newbies or children to buy unhealthy/tortured fish because they look cute. If they said exactly what was going on, then there would be no business.

It's a good thing you asked on here. Good for you changing your mind.

There are lots and lots of gorgeous fish out there with unnatural-looking colors. If you want a fantastic color, you can easily find a fish that is naturally that way.
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