Where to get corals

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
Hey everyone,

I have been working on my coral livestock list and want to start shopping around. Who better to ask where to find the good stuff but right here. I am riding the fence on liveaquaria.com with two bad experiences under my belt. Anyone have some suggestions for me?

I've had good experiences with...
Jeff's exoticfish.com
fellow reefers through trades

The majority of my live stock was either through trades or purchased from the LFS.
I only purchase through my LFS. I want to see how the corals health is and the size and color before I buy. Plus I find it a lot cheaper. Even if I drive to the twin cities (4 hrs away), I can still save money and have the ability to pick the exact coral I want. With mail-order, you get what they give you. That is not to say that they are selling an inferior product, but you have no choice as to what goes in the box.

Well, the problem is that I live in a smaller town right smack in the middle of the U.S., and there is only one LFS that deals in saltwater. I admit I have never seen a large LFS with lots of saltwater organisms, but if my imagination serves I would lkely rate my LFS a 4 out of 10 LoL. So I have no choice but to go online unfortunately.
Actually BriscO, I also live in the middle of nowhere and would rate the hometown LFS about the same. I have found one that is an hr away and he has some really nice stock to choose from. I don't even think twice about the drive when I want to shop for corals.

I have found one that is an hr away and he has some really nice stock to choose from. I don't even think twice about the drive when I want to shop for corals.

My only LFS is an hour away, but I must admit, the time and distance, don't usually figure into it when I want to go ;)
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