Where to get good price on tank?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 28, 2011
US, Ga
Where can I get a good price on a aquirum is there a sale or something? Willing to buy online. Also on wrong topic didn't know where to out it.
Have you checked Craigslist? There are great deals on fish tanks all the time. I recently found a 55 gallon with filters, gravel, etc. All for $150.
Moved to General Hardware/Equipment Discussion.
Bettababe1011 said:
Have you checked Craigslist? There are great deals on fish tanks all the time. I recently found a 55 gallon with filters, gravel, etc. All for $150.

I will now.
If you have a local Petco near you, they usually have dollar per gallon sale around this time of year on 10, 20L and 20H, 40B, and 55 Gallon tanks.
Bettababe1011 said:
Have you checked Craigslist? There are great deals on fish tanks all the time. I recently found a 55 gallon with filters, gravel, etc. All for $150.

I found 3 55G tanks for 150$ and less thanks
Bettababe1011 said:
You found one for less? Wow, I wish I lived someone where I could find a deal like that. ;)

Yea for 70$ maybe already sold emailed a ton. They have good deals on 100G too
Remember to be patient. When using craigslist many people think their tank is worth what they payed for it brand new. They also think their pink rocks and plastic plants add value to the setup. If you're patient you can find deals of varying quality depending on your area. For instance, in Georgia(great area for fishkeeping) I won't pay more than $1/gallon on tanks, but that doesn't mean these deals are always available. Here's a couple tips:

1.) Patience, wait for the deals to pop up.
2.) Patience, when someone doesn't want to come down on the price, don't give in just yet. If you can hold off, just wait for the ad to sit there for a while.
Come back a few weeks later and re offer a lower bid: by now they probably just want to get rid of it. If you lose it(someone else gets it), so what? Wait for that next big deal.
3.) Remember, it's just business, nothing personal. ;)
Got 55G with everything for 100$ off of Craigslist thanks!

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