where to put my female beta!?!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 13, 2011
at first i had a male and girl beta together in 1 1/2gal..he chased her all the time and she never came out of hiding(and after more research found out how that was bad idea).so i put her in 29gal tank with 2 mollys and i got a 5gal tank for boy beta.the female faught with the bigger molly(molly started it).not much though just nibbles. but now i have glofish,african dwarf frog,bristlenose pleco, and guppys in there so i put beta in 1 1/2 gal tank....she never swims around just hides and comes up for food.. :sad: i think she's sad in new tank but i dont want her to kill my other fish!any suggestions?
What is the tank like? What's the temp? I might be able to give you advice if the temp is the problem. If that's not the problem, maybe just give her time.
it doesnt have a heater..just room temp,and i do partial water changes each week.she never swam with the male beta(probably from fear) and when i put her in big tank she swam all over the place.very very active...now she just sits there.should i try putting her in big tank again and see if she is aggressive to any of other fish or frog?
Part of the reason she's not as active is that she doesn't have a heater. She's also probably a little stressed out and not used to her new environment.

I would try to put her back in the community tank again. Whether or not it works out just depends on her personality but I wouldn't expect any big problems. The mollys should be able to take care of themselves, I often here of them being bullies too. If she goes after the guppies you may have a problem though. I would put het back in and just keep an eye out. Maybe try adding some more hiding spots if the tank is bare. It's usually a good idea to add the most aggressive fish last so it sounds doable.
i tried it out and she chased after the fish.should i wait it out and see if she tries to kill them?she's back in her tank right now,but i dont wanna keep her in there if she's not happy.should i consider taking her to pet store?
She chased after the other fish right away? They usually don't show aggression for a day or two until they've acclimated to the new tank.

No I think she'd be better off in your 1.5g than she would at a pet store. She would probably get sold to someone who has no idea what they're doing (happens all the time).
I think that a 1 1/2 G tank is small for the betta, and with no heater she is unhappy. Female bettas are active fish.

I don't know what to tell you, but sounds to me that keep her alone in that tank is not going to be the best for her in the long run, if you bought her with the male betta, and now you are planing to have a community tank, the best will be to return her.
Just my opinion.
she is very sad in small tank.... but when i put her in community tank not even 5min later she was chasing the other fish.I think imma try it again,ive heard beta fish are very smart and that she may beable to link the two....i chase fish,i get taken out... idk but i want her to be happy.

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