Where's my remote?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 3, 2008
Anyone else here find themselves looking for the TiVO remote, wanting to pause to the action in their aquarium?

I've done this twice now. The second time it was more of a fleeting thought, but it was there.

I'll just sit in front of my cichlids, losing myself in their world. When suddenly I'm called away from it for whatever reason and my first instinct is to pause the action. It's just so entertaining and relaxing.


Anyone else ever do that?
cant say ive physically done that lol... but it would be nice to just pause it and start it again... always feel im gonna miss something
yes. especially when i saw my clown nuzzling inside a nook in a rock, it was so cute
hey now... behave ladies... i let my wife have the remote every time im not home...
hey now... behave ladies... i let my wife have the remote every time im not home...


I think my husband has carpel tunnel syndrome from channel surfing so much......my kids hid the remote from him once and I thought he was going to cry.

Jeesh! I remember when we didn't have remotes! isn't that why our parents had children-to change the channel??
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