Which kind of plants are best?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2013
Omaha, NE
I'm setting up a 10 gallon fresh water and there's such a wide variety of plants to choose from (silk, plastic, real, etc) that I was wondering which are best. Also, how do fish like the plants set up?Thanks.
Well, I know I have artificial plants, but I'd like to get real ones eventually, but live is the way to go if you can care for them. As for what the fish like, they don't really care what they look like IME but they do benefit from plants, artificial or not, for hiding places.

What is best though, is completely a matter of opinion.
I'm setting up a 10 gallon fresh water and there's such a wide variety of plants to choose from (silk, plastic, real, etc) that I was wondering which are best. Also, how do fish like the plants set up?Thanks.

Well I like live plants and a really hardy one is the java fern it can be kept on low lighting
Live plants are always best if possible. Not only do fish appreciate them they make the tank look natural and help keep your water quality better by using up excess nutrients in the water. Plus there are low light tolerant plants such as Anubia, Java Fern, Java Fern Wendilov, Crypts, and Bolbitus that are perfect for a small tank with low light.
Live plants are always best, but if you can't have them for some reason get silk plants, as plastic plants can harm your fish (rip their tail, etc.)
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