Which term do you think is correct?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 14, 2011
I have been reading a lot of threads lately, and some people have been saying "acclimatise" or "acclimatization" instead of "acclimate" or "acclimation". Which one do you think is correct?
acclimate is something you do and acclimation is the process of doing it. Never heard the other terms. LOL
Kickingfish said:
acclimate is something you do and acclimation is the process of doing it. Never heard the other terms. LOL

Yeah, I knew that, I was just wondering why people say "acclimatise "
bruinsbro1997 said:
I think it depends on where you come from and how you learned it. It's all the same in the end.

+1 here in England acclimatisation is the spelling for this.Guess it just depends where your from :)
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