Which Tetra should I buy?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 4, 2013
I currently have 5 Congo Tetras. They seem to school on occasion, but not all the time. Should I get 3 more Congo Tetras? I can either do this or buy some Rummynose Tetras. Will the Congo Tetras school better if I buy more of them? Or will it not matter? Which tetra would you buy?
What other fish are in the tank?
Honestly, I've noticed most fish that are considered schooling, only really school when they feel a bit threatened, or it's dinner time.
There are a few types of fish that are considered great at schooling like rummynose tetras and harlequin rasboras, but that's still not guarenteed..

The best thing you can do is to add a couple more and get a more aggressive fish, maybe an apisto, or something larger if you have a large enough tank, to make them want to school more.
Mine school. I have 10 in a 75 along with other tetras. Blue emperors are always in schools for me as well. Cardinals/neons, penguins, actually most of them do even as one big a-- group.
I have 16 cardinal and 12 rumnynose tetras. The cardinals came first. They used to school all them time. Then when I finally got my compliment of rumnynose those schooled all the time as well. After having them together for a few weeks now, they don't school much at all. Unless they see me. Then they bunch up expecting food. It's a 55 gal and they are all over the tank. I'm hoping that means that thy are comfortable and not stressed at all.
What other fish are in the tank?

The best thing you can do is to add a couple more and get a more aggressive fish, maybe an apisto, or something larger if you have a large enough tank, to make them want to school more.

I agree is it a combination of congos school size and other tank mates, but I don't like the idea of adding a more aggressive fish. Congos aren't the best schoolers and can be timid, so simply having a larger (peaceful) fish they might perceive as a threat at times might make them show. I have both congos and rummynose tetras in various set-ups, hands down no one schools like my rummy! They'll need a decent school size too.
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