Whistling Canister....Driving my wife mad !!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2010
N. Ireland
and me...if I'm honest :)

I have tried changing the direction of flow, and decreasing the flow...nothing is working!

Any advise ?
were is the "whistling" coming form? What part of the canister?
it seems to be coming from the spraybar.

It has been running for 3 weeks tomorrow, fishless cycling, and the whistling started 2 days ago...I was hoping it would just go away....
If it is from inside the spraybar turn off your canister for a sec, go scrub out the spraybar, if that dosent work then it might be leaking somewhere creating a whistling effect, use your finger too find were the leak is by pressing along all the creases tell the noise stops. Once you found is silicone it OR just go online and find a new spraybar. Hopes this helps.
thanks Etunes

I will start looking into it a bit closer...I didn't think it would need cleaning, as it is only on 3 weeks, but maybe a wee leak has started some where.

Thanks again :)
Well it might have sucked a leaf or something down the wrong pipe, no pun intended, lol.
Clean the spray bar and then check for leaks, or if you have a straw use that to help pinpoint where the noise is coming from prior to tearing it apart. Just dont stab yourself in the ear, it hurts,bad.
I Think it is sorted :)

I was fiddling with it, and I realized that as the weeks have went past, the water level has dropped slightly, and I slid the suction pads holding the spray-bar down the back a little...putting tension on the piping....causing the whistle!

Problem solved !

Regarding the dropping water level....can I top up the tank with de-chlorinated water, during cycling....or will this affect cycling times?

I am under the impression that PWC's are not advisable during fishless cycling, as I want the ammonia etc high...to encourage the bacteria growth.
Will topping up adversely affect this?
no, go ahead and top it off and dont bother with a water change during cycle. Best of luck.
As long as your doing fishless cycling don't worry about the water changes because there's nothing to kill. Topping off the tank shouldn't affect the cycle at all unless you don't dechlorinate it then it will kill all you beneficial bacteria :(
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