white crusty stuff on fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 7, 2012
Hello I just started a 22 gallon freshwater fish tank with live plants and a sand substrate. I original stocked the tank with three ballon mollies, five neon tetras, one cherry barb, two guppies, and an algae eater. I have been losing fish right and left first went one of the guppies, then a neon tetra, and the cherry barb. It seems I lost a fish a day. I have put water conditioner in the tank when I filled it and also plant food. I have had my water tested and the only thing they saw was the ammonia was still in the safe range but was close to the unsafe range. They told me to do a 20% water change ever to days for a week which is what I started to do. After the first day of doing this I noticed my fish had ich. It happened really quick it was not there in the morning by the time I came home from work white spots all over the fish. I then started to treat for ich. The next day after treatment, I noticed this white crusty stuff on one of my mollies (I thought it was normal there was always a small spot like this on the mollies heads) it was more apparent and also my two of my neon tetras have it as well over there bodies one worse then the other. The one that has the most has lost his blue strip and is breathing hard I know i am going to lose him if he is not gone already as I type this. I saw a thread that talked about white crusty stuff on a molly but no one had an answer and i tried to reply there but the post was too old so it would not let me. I really need help before all my fish die. I have a freshwater disease guide and it does not fit with any of the disease on the chart. The closes would be to fungus the issue is it is not cotton like nor stringy. The people with the same problem tried to treat for fungus but it did not do anything. I hope someone will have some ideas as what I can do for my fish before they are all gone.
Did you cycle your tank before adding the fish?
I ran the tank for 24hours before I added fish is that what you mean by cycling? I added water conditioner and plant food for the plants that is all I did and after a day added the fish. The pet store thinks it is a bacteria that is growing on the fish which could be because of the stress of the ich medication. The problem I am having now is the ich medication warns about using other medications at the same time. The pet store said to finish the ich medication and then start the bacteria treatment. I just hope I still have fish to treat. I just lost the two neon tetras that had the crusty white stuff on there bodies.

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