White fuzz on Willow moss......

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 25, 2005
Flagstaff, AZ
I recently did a remodel on my 20 gallon FW tank. I had a bunch of plastic plants and some lace rock. I removed the platsic plants and attached willow moss to the rocks. Its been about a week and white fuzz is starting to cover the willow moss. I am thinking it could be caused by the lighting. The hood has the original incadescent light. I am not planning on adding any other plants and have not added any ferts. Any ideas or suggestions?

My tank set-up:

20 gallon high
6 black neons
6 harlequin rasboras
1 orange thick-lipped gourami
2 bronze corydoras
4 ghost shrimp

ammonia= 0ppm
nitrite= 0ppm
nitrate= 20ppm
ph= 7.4

If things don't work out, I can always put back the plastic plants.
Replace the incadescent bulbs with screwin compact flourescents. I would recommend either a pair of 15watt bulbs as a minimum, preferably a pair of 20 watt bulbs. Incadescent bulbs are nearly useless to plants, so your plants are most likely suffering from a lack of light. You might want to pick up a good trace fertilizer like Flourish Comprehensive and some potassium such as Flourish Potassium. You won't need much of either if you stick to one of the combinations I suggested, but it will help the moss grow better.
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