White Stuff on Fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 10, 2012
Hello, any idea what this is? And if it's bad how do I fix it? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1475692486.048437.jpg

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Hi im sorry, i cant really see. If you want a real good diagnosis from me or others, put the fish in a clear bowl or glass and take a video.
If unable to do the above could you describe the effected area?

Is it just near the tail fin or is it in other places? If so where? Gills, eyes, whole body etc.

Does it resemble white individual dots (like sprinkled in salt)?

Does it resemble a stringy cotton ball?

If mollies are the only fish in the tank you could increase the salinity a touch before getting a definitive diagnosis. 1/2 teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water. Might slow progression if it's parasitic in nature but won't have a negative/positive effect if it isn't.

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