White Worms Defy Conventional Wisdom

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 7, 2013
Had to search out information on the white worms on my glass and came across the common thinking that a thriving population (in my case - planaria) is encouraged by over-feeding or gravel left in a less-than-pristine state. Well, my worms (LOL) are obviously not aware of the conventional wisdom. Despite the fact that my Betta died a year ago, at which point I stopped feeding, and I've continued to clean the gravel and change the water to keep the plants healthy, my pesky planaria are everywhere. They must be finding something to eat, because they're getting nothing from me. They keep company with the comical seed shrimp, so I still enjoy the aquatic life - albeit with a magnifying glass!

I, too have a problem with planaria. I can understand it in my 29 gal because I did overfeed. However, I have a 10 gallon with no fish, plants only. They multiplied like crazy in it. They must have been eating the dying plants. I cleaned it out, rinsed out the substate and no more problem so far.
In my 29 gal I just cleaned it and didn't feed for a couple of days. Problem solved so far.
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