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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 22, 2010
I have what I'm assuming is a still growing (16/18"L & 4/6"D) Clown Knife(rescued from a 35g)in a 75g & a still growing Oscar (6/8"L ) in a 55g. I am hoping to set up a 100g in the next month(depends on how long it takes me to get its "stand" issues resolved) & can either move the Knife here and the Oscar to the 75g or leave the Knife where he is and the Oscar to the 100g. While I see Grumpy (the Oscar) swimming around a fair bit, Henkel (the Knife) seems to spend most of his time just lounging (sulking?) at the back of his tank (except at feeding time) & this why I feel giving Grumpy the extra room now and letting Henkel wait til I can upgrade his tank too may be the way to go. Please feel free to give your opinions either way as long as they are polite, I know eventually I am looking at having to either get larger tanks for both or rehoming (nearly impossible where I live) so please don't state the obvious
The knife may not allow any others in tank with him...
They are nocturnal and like to hide and lounge during the day..Don't expect different just cause you give him a bigger tank..
Sounds like the Oscar is still growing..
He like friends...
I had a clown knife for 5+ years ..He allowed only one fish ion tank with him..
IMO, set up the 100 gal. Select several coloful medium sized cichlids, like a Salvini, Firemouth
something along those lines. Give them a little time to establish themselves, then add the big Oscar. I would rather see an active agressive community tank, than a big solo specimen display tank.
Thanks Coralbandit that reinforces what I have read observed. Tried a pleco in Henkel's tank, it mysteriously turned up dead. Gave him the benefit of the doubt added another, who now lives in fear of his life under the rock structure in the tank - once I set up the other larger tanks he will be rehomed to one of them and Henkel be have his solitude. Since he doesn't seem to be the athletic type he will continue living in 75g and Grumpy can move into the 100g with his pleco whom he may not like judging from their occasional chase scenes, but at least generally tolerates.
On a side note coral how was your knife tank *decorated*? As he likes to hide I have tried providing some fake plants he can take cover behind but not sure it is worth the effort and that a few slabs of rock leaning *cave like* against the back of the tank wouldn't be a better idea assuming I could insure he couldn't smash them against the glass.
I think I had a big piece of wood mounted to a slate base and maybe a piece of slate standing up for him to hide/sleep in . Only fish to survive with him was a 5-6 inch polyepterus palmas [bichir] . The two lived alone in a 75g for 5 years ..The knife was all of 16" with 6 spots on one side 7 on the other...I think the bichir lasted due to his similar nature of nocturnal activity and eating what fits in his mouth...
Introducing anything to the knife will be rough..Feed it like 20 goldfish first so it is literally stuffed...
Once I rescue the pleco from the tank he's on his own for good. Would actually consider rehoming him but only to a knowledgeable person
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