Who is really behind the avatar?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
lucky kids to have such a smart moma, I'm guessing there's not much high fructose corn syrup in your house;)

Oh um.... Totally... and no TV or videogames! :angel: ***

Thanks OS! I'm loving the pic with your bike, how coincidental is it that someone else here has the same one?

I love seeing all these pics of everyone!

*** blatant lies
A better one with my bride.

Here's a better one of me and also to show off my sweetheart.
Brian & Donna.


  • Brian&Donna 002.jpg
    Brian&Donna 002.jpg
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LOL She thinks it's a total waste of money, but it keeps me out of more dubious adventures. Her thing is lacemaking and flower gardening. (She has admitted my tanks were pretty, once.) OS.
Hey now, there's nothing wrong with being a little punked out! (y)

Here I am with Sammy, my other half, at the Northern Ink Xposure convention in Toronto last year. He's a tattoo artist and it's an annual thing for him to do some work there. We make a week of it and call it a vacation. Yes, that is my heavily tattooed arm.

Aand here I am getting that tattoo done a few months earlier:
Captain you're so pretty! :)
Your cute smirk also reminds me of Natalie Dormer who is one of my favorite actors.
Captain you're so pretty! :)
Your cute smirk also reminds me of Natalie Dormer who is one of my favorite actors.

Natalie Dormer is absolutely lovely so I take that as a huge compliment. Thank you very much!

See how I resisted the urge to ask if you were blind just then? I'm still learning how to properly accept compliments, haha.
Hubby ( deceased ) and meImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1397286591.179426.jpg
Big daughter, mom and me ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1397286634.508106.jpg
Last month at Little daughter's white coat ceremony at vet schoolImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1397286714.769764.jpg
Heres me fooling about at the site of the first olympic games, in Athens
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Then theres a pic of me in the dominican republic september 2013. Consequently the holiday that persuaded me to get a fish tank after snorkelling. I originally wanted a saltwater tank but thought id begin with an easier planted tank. Which quickly snowballed into a harder high tech planted tank!!
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We just did it in the sea off the beach in our hotel complex. There was a reef sort of head height deep. We were taking bread rolls from breakfast out with us and we'd have hundreds of tropical fish surrounding us instantly
Haha thanks Old scales. Im assuming that comment was complimentary!! Lol.

I think this thread is a good idea. Its cool to put a face to the aquarium chat. Loving the motorbike!!
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