Whoo - I haven't killed my Otto - Yet!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 27, 2011
I have had an Otto for 4 days and he is still alive (knock on wood)! I don't know how many of these I have went through trying to get an established otto in the tank! I have some ammonia in there now (very very small amount that came in on yesterday's test!) , and I REALLY want to do a water change, but I just want to leave it alone for a bit because I doubt it'll go over too well!

I just always have issues with ottos so I am happy to finally have on alive. I tried Melafix and Pimafix when adding new fish this time, and it seems to be working wonders!
Why is there ammonia in the tank? Is it still cycling?

Tbh IMO ottos are not the hardy species like some others and sounds expensive to use as a cycle fish.

It isn't cycling. I'm pretty sure that it just had a bit of ammonia probably because I added 3 fish? Not totally sure, but last night when I tested it seemed to be gone and they tested @ 0. I'm going to do a water change anyhow probably on Friday. The is algae everywhere so they have plenty to eat. There is also a few plants. This specific aquarium is a 29 gal that has been set up for about a year. All the decoration, plants, gravel, filter, etc were from a 20 long that had been set up for about a year, so there has been more than enough time to cycle :) I want to add some new fish but I'm just not totally sure what to add now.

I have an angel fish, 3 guppy, 1 molly, 10 or so small tetra, 2 albino cory cats, a zillion assassin snails, and the 1 otto. I'm def going to add some cherry shrimp when I get back from vacay, but if any other suggestions feel free to advise of them :)
I wouldn't add any more fish until you get the ammonia controlled. Ammonia, even in small amounts, is a killer. A big water change will be very beneficial, and you may need to do several before you get it under control. If you are going to be away for a vacation, you may have to get someone to do them for you, or you could come back to a bad surprise.
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