Why are my fake plants really dirty????

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 21, 2004
I have a 55 gallon frshwater tank and the fake plastic plants in it always get really dirty and it's really hard to scrub all of it off. Is there something i can do to keep them clean or do they all do this??


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That's algae. Looks like black beard maybe? Not 100% sure. I would take the plants out and give them a good cleaning.
I agree. In the 2nd pic you can see it growing on your plumbing. BBA is really tough to remove...hard scrubbing of all of your equipment may work since they are not porous.

How long has your tank been set up?
it's been set up for about 3 years know. i used to have 2 large oscars but i got rid of them becuase they where getting to big know i just have some bala and ID sharks, yoyo loahes and 2 plecos. but i always do a regular cleaning but the algea or whatever it is comes back very fast like if i clean it today in about 3 weeks it's all back again.
Under those circumstances, it would be a good idea to get at the cause of the algae.

How much light does the tank have?
Is it near a window?
How often do you do PWC's and what is the %?
I agree, get at the cause of the aglae, but for an immediate solution, plastic plants can be cleaned easily with a bleach solution or a quick dip in boiling water. Anything that would kill the algae since they are not succeptible to death like a live plant.
well first of all the light in my aqaurium is on day and night, and yes it's near a window but hardley any sun shines through that window, and what is PWC's???
PWC's are partial water changes... removing old water and replacing it, please also tell us the percentage of water and how often you do this.

If i read this right, you say your aquarium lights are never off... that is probably a big part of the problem.
The recommended amount of time for lights to be on to prevent/deter algae is about 10-12 hours per day.

I would recommend doing water changes (PWC's) once a week. Your algae problems will be history if this is done.
when you mean water change do you mean just taking out some water and putting fresh water back in? becuase when i do my water changes i usually suck up all of the dirt in the rocks to is that alright?
Yes, that is perfectly fine. I do gravel/sand vacs at every weekly water change. Normally about 50% water change.
Alright thanks for all of your help im gonna give this a try for the next few weeks and see how goes or if it gets any better. Thanks!!
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