Why are my female guppies larger than the males?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2011
Suburbs outside of Philadelphia, PA
I have been raising baby guppies that are approx. 4 months old right now are separated males from females in a 30 gallon tank. My female guppies are almose double in size of the males and no they are not pregnant. I separated them the minute I was able to determine their sex. They both get the same amount of food each day but their size difference is ridiculous. They actually look pregnant, and have looked like this for at least 2 months now. Any reason why they would be so fat and so much larger than the males, who all look nice and trim... ???
The females tend to get larger than the males. I think it's like that with a lot of fish.
That's just how guppies look. The males will be as long once their fins get larger. However they will always and a thinner more slender body.
+1 for females being bigger. the females will tend to have a bigger, rounded, boat-shape body and relatively short tails. whereas males have more slender, compact bodies, but their tails are a bit bigger.
I've just created a new album called '4 months later', so you can see the differences in size between them. Oh and also the sibling that will not grow, 'Wiggles', he is in a small tank by himself, submerged just above his siblings in the 30 gallon tank and he's doing just fine!!!
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