Why :'( --- dead oto

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 5, 2010
The last oto died. He was sitting on the bottom of the tank breathing really heavy, and then he just died. Any idea as to what the **** happened? I would like to try and figure it out.
i'm so sorry :( i know you have had a lot of trouble with them. i'm guessing they were probably already weak when you bought them and since they are tough to acclimate anyway, they just didn't have the strength. i'm sure it wasn't anything you could have prevented, from the sounds of it you did everything you could to save them. again, i'm sorry :(
Many of the commercial otos are difficult to keep. They seem to be weak from the start. I have heard countless stories from people that have tried to keep them to no avail.

I am sure it was a situation where they were most likely weak or sick from the store. Try a different store or a breeder.
Omg, I'm so sorry ><. I thought this oto might pull through... I had a similar experience with cherry barbs. I got bought a school of 10 (really early in my fishy career). I cycled my tank, added plants, etc etc. After adding most of the other fish on my list, I tried the cherry barbs. A few had ich, and I tried separating them, but I didn't have a quarantine at the time, so I had to put them in a specimen container until I could find out what to do with them. Before the ich could do its magic, they just started dropping like flies. I tried again with 8 under warranty, same thing. When I went back, I had to talk to a manager to let me have my money back, because I was sure as **** not going to try again. I still don't see cherry barbs in the same light, and I've never had the urge to try again, and don't really see cherry barbs as very appealing anymore.

Buying the day before shipment may not be as effective in this case. It may have prevented the early deaths, but I think this has been ongoing for a few weeks, if I remember correctly, and it only works with the early deaths, not the prolonged ones. I'd imagine this oto suffered from internal parasites, as otos are known to have. I've never taken any proactive steps, but if you want to try again, try buying the day before and maybe try treating with anti-parasitic food or something while in quarantine.
Are parasites contagious? I don't want my puffer to get them. Would it hurt anything if I just use some anti bacterial meds to treat the tank? I am not sure of the cause, I am thinking possibly fin rot because his tail looks chewed up. But I have no idea. I really thought he was going to make it as well :'(
Most internal parasites stay inside for most of the fishes life and release when the fish dies I think. Extreme cases are the parasites "leak" out the rear end. I think the puffer will be okay. The puffer will also be easier to treat if it gets it because you can soak the brine shrimp or blood worms or whatever in anti parasitic. Since the oto wasn't eating, and if it was a parasite, he would have been too far gone ><
Well the strangest thing has occured. The oto is still alive. Still breathing kind of fast, but now he is acting normal again. I am not getting my hopes up, but I am intrigued as to what the **** is going on here. lol
Lol i have to agree thats like 4 hours of fish being dead. Otos are very hard fish to keep. I know i was recommend to buy 2x as many as i wanted hoping half would live. Dunno what it is about them. Awesome fish. Tough to get to maoe it thru first couple months.
I left him there because I couldn't take him out yet. I was sad. And I wasn't ready to take him out. Simply put. Glad I didn't take him out too.
Glad he's hanging in there, but I have to echo the comments of others. Otos can be very difficult to keep because they usually come in weak. If you try them again, I'd suggest QTing them and treating with prazi. Or make sure that where you purchase them has had them no less than one month from the distributor. Sorry for the losses. Definitely not your fault though so don't beat yourself up too bad.
Many of the commercial otos are difficult to keep. They seem to be weak from the start. I have heard countless stories from people that have tried to keep them to no avail.

I am sure it was a situation where they were most likely weak or sick from the store. Try a different store or a breeder.

Couldnt agree more with this because they are so much better when wild caught (hardiness wise). Im sorry for your losses though!!!
I was under the impression wild caught = really high losses, because the way they're caught. I think it's similar with panda cories, where they put some paralytic in the water or something, and just scoop them up, which is why they have such a high mortality rate.

Anyways, how's he/she doing today?
Anyways, I can't find him/her today so far. I keep looking though lol. They can hide pretty good, and if it is really dead now then I hope I find it soon.

If he survives I am just going to get some parasite meds and put them in the tank just to be safe.
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Considering my mazzei thread has been up for 2 days, and my mazzei for sale has received no replies.. :p (hint hint)

The oto being hidden can be a good or a bad thing.. As oto's are normally on the glass, or in the leaves of larger plants, I think it's a good thing, as he/she would have probably would have floated around/up by now.
I hope so. But none of the other otos floated when they died... when I found them all they were curled up on the bottom of the tank.. ugh . I really hope he is ok!
Considering my mazzei thread has been up for 2 days, and my mazzei for sale has received no replies.. :p (hint hint)

The oto being hidden can be a good or a bad thing.. As oto's are normally on the glass, or in the leaves of larger plants, I think it's a good thing, as he/she would have probably would have floated around/up by now.

Can't fully agree here as mine are almost never on the glass and always under rocks or on substrate but as I always say there's variations to everything in aquaria!

To the OP, I hate to say this as all people who keep fish never want to see them perish the fact is it happens and with a species such as oto's you have to go into it knowing they're survival rates just are not as high.

For example, I set up my 20 long and decided 2 months after setting it up I wanted rams, now I looked and looked and found a lot of info on them. All around I read they really need established water. Now my 20 long was fully cycled and params were right so I bought 2 balloon rams and said, well if they live then I know not all need established water and id be happy but if they die then I know I jumped the gun and should've waited, well 10 months later they are thriving and doing well even after a move. I'm not saying jump the gun and be impaitent like me but I went into it knowing there's a chance they'll die, but id much rather me take a crack at caring for them than let them sit at the lfs and have some of those baffoons do it. Idk take it or leave it but its just an experiance.
but id much rather me take a crack at caring for them than let them sit at the lfs and have some of those baffoons do it. Idk take it or leave it but its just an experiance.

+1! Lol. I did indeed research these guys first, I knew they had a high mortality rate. I also knew they need est. tank. My tank has only been up for almost 3 months now, but I let algae build for them assuming it would be ready. I ordered them from my fav LFS, wwaited a month, then they never came in. So I finally got impatient and went to Petsmart. Decided I was going to rescue some otos.

The rest is history lol.
I should have said *my* oto's, as I forgot about all the other places they could be :p. Mine like the leaves of swords/glass, but I don't have any large rocks in there either.

After talking to a couple guys at fish stores, and from my own experience, I'll try to tank the hardest fish to keep alive (at the stores) for the more common fish.

dwarf cories>rams>otos>neons/cardinals. Oh discus are in there somewhere, and these can probably be switched around depending on season

The strongest fish are probably the more common cories (albinos, paleatus, spotted julii etc) and zebra danios and I guess Pristilla tetras are pretty hardy that I heard from someone recently.
Well seeing as I am pretty new at this still, I should probably shoot for hardier fish. Only problem is I don't want something that is so generic. I want to have interesting , unique fish. Unfortunately that means they are going to be harder to keep alive due to the fact that they probably aren't bred in captivity, and that is why they are less common. >_<
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