Why do my fish kiss things?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 15, 2003
Chicago, IL
Why do my fish kiss things in the aquarium after i do a water change?

I have cichlids and I seem them kissing/sucking/trying to eating the gravel, pipes, and ornaments in the tank. Just wondering what the reasoning was behind it!

Well, I have never kept cichlids, and I don't know if this is a behavior, something distinct about cichlids...but, if it's not a distinct behavior......you say that this behavior happens after a water change. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the water change stirs up food, or other particles that then settle on the ornaments and such. The fish get curious and have to check it out....maybe even taste it.
For some reason, the Lyretail molly I have loves to press its lips against the tank heater when its on.
I have the same thing happening with my platies and mollies. I do agree with Imw 80 also. I think that water changes do stur up food and makes it land on plants and such. I don't know if cichlids eat algae or not, but my fish do and I know that they will "kiss" the sides of the tank and plants to eat algae on them. This could be the reason behind your "kissing" fish. :?:
Many African cichlids (maybe New World cichlids too, don't know) eat algae or the tiny creatures that live in algae, as do mollies, so that may be it. I think it is a form of exploring.
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