Why is it when people see the word puffer they think bad??

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I think people think because a lot if pufferfish are aggressive. They all can be nippy at times, but the south American puffer like you said is one of the most peaceful. I love puffers, and ive always wanted them but i wouldn't be able to feed then the right diet everyday, like the snails and shrimp and stuff.
P8ntballer52 said:
Ok so why is it when people think of puffer fish they think aggressive with out really doing any research??

There is a community puffer out there. There called south American puffer and there a great community fish.


I have one in my take with. A wide verity of other fish.

Because they are almost always aggressive. Honestly, your puffer is the only one that i have ever heard of as being friendly, and it will still nip fins!! I have never once seen a thread about "nice" puffers, so thats why people jump to conclusions
Actually, I think it is the research that makes folks think of them that way. ;)
Moved to FW and Brackish- General Discussion.

I don't think of puffers as "bad" and I don't think that anyone else here does either. I do believe that the vast majority of puffers are poor selections for a community tank. The South American puffer seems to be an exception to the rule. Your link isn't working, but here is one from wetwebmedia. Note that the author says that the fish can be nippy.
The Nice Puffer: Colomesus asellus, the South American Puffer
Puffers aren't "bad", but they're very attractive fish that needs special care. I remember seeing spotted and figure-8 puffers for the first time and wanting one really badly. Then the guy at the LFS said they were cute, but they'll tear most of the tank to ribbons when they get bigger. Then I found out they need brackish water as they grow. These things spell doom for unprepared aquarists.
South Americans are still nippy. Although they exhibit very little schooling behavior, they need to be in groups and a group in a tank may start to nip other fish. Having only 1 or 2 is not enough and may make them feel nervous.

You better be prepared to manually trim their teeth 1 or 2 times per year. They have one of the more faster growing teeth even with diet of hard-shelled food. You have to really focus on their feeding regime to prevent trimming.

Puffers are mainly killers and/or nippy. Not all of them are like that, but a large majority of them will be aggressive (some species less likely than others). You run this risk most of the time you put a puffer in a community tank.
South American puffers do great on there own. There is no need to had more. And yes they Can be nippy. Don't mix them with long fined fish.

And as far as teeth trimming go. That another reason to put snails in a tank. Tue hard shell takes care of there teeth.
Terrance said:
South Americans are still nippy. Although they exhibit very little schooling behavior, they need to be in groups and a group in a tank may start to nip other fish. Having only 1 or 2 is not enough and may make them feel nervous.

You better be prepared to manually trim their teeth 1 or 2 times per year. They have one of the more faster growing teeth even with diet of hard-shelled food. You have to really focus on their feeding regime to prevent trimming.

Puffers are mainly killers and/or nippy. Not all of them are like that, but a large majority of them will be aggressive (some species less likely than others). You run this risk most of the time you put a puffer in a community tank.

Can i ask how the heck you would trim a fish's teeth? I know you have to do it, just always wanted to know how it's done.
And we're I bought my fish. They had the puffer mixed in a tank with tettra and there were no noticeable issues
P8ntballer52 said:
And we're I bought my fish. They had the puffer mixed in a tank with tettra and there were no noticeable issues

Well i have seen angel fish mixed with neon tetras in a tank, and 5 chiclids in a 5 g tank at the fish store! Does that make it OK? Nope. If i was clueless and went by what the fish store said, i would have all kinds of junk in my tank.
George9 said:
Can i ask how the heck you would trim a fish's teeth? I know you have to do it, just always wanted to know how it's done.


Just like grip her and come at Mrs. Puff with a pair of nail trimmers? I dont think so!! Haha
Trimming is nerve wrecking. Puffs will have to be sedated with a chemical. M222 is a good to use for sedation. Then when the puff become sedated, you pick up the puff with your bare hand and use a nail cutter to trim the teeth.

Very few south american puffer owners have been able to keep up with the rapid growth of the teeth, no matter how hard they try to keep them on a diet of snails or hard shelled food. I have a puffer that have similar fast-growing teeth. I'll post a video of my first teeth trimming when I dive in for my first trim!
Well of course. Don't be a idiot and buy fish at pet co or some other non seance pet store. They list all types of fish as semi aggressive and what not. When there community fish. Like angles there a great community. As long as there in pairs.

Sure it dosent make it right. But it dose not make it worng
A pair of angels are great community fish? o_O

I'd say that a single angel, or a same sex pair would probably be better in a community, a mating pair can be an absolute nightmare, even in a very large tank.
I had a lil' SA puffer when I was a lot younger. Had him in a small tank with a school of Black Skirt Tetras and a trio of red swordtails. He was pretty chill with the other fish.
Terrance said:
Trimming is nerve wrecking. Puffs will have to be sedated with a chemical. M222 is a good to use for sedation. Then when the puff become sedated, you pick up the puff with your bare hand and use a nail cutter to trim the teeth.

Very few south american puffer owners have been able to keep up with the rapid growth of the teeth, no matter how hard they try to keep them on a diet of snails or hard shelled food. I have a puffer that have similar fast-growing teeth. I'll post a video of my first teeth trimming when I dive in for my first trim!

Awesome, I'm interested in seeing that.
Umm how is that. Not a pair?? A pair = 2.

Doesn't matter if it's a male And female, male and male or female and female.
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