Why is my jack dempsey yellow

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That's a really nice looking fish man. Do you know what sex it is?
Just a question how can you tell

Males tend to have more defined (rounded) spangles under the eyes but they usually don't extend very far down the gill plates. The females spangles are more blotchy and will in some cases envelope the entire gill plate. The dorsal and ventral fins tend to be more pointed in males also. Your fish has no spangles on the gill plates and the fins are pointed. Very nice male Dempsey.

My male


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29 gallon right now I do plan on upgrading to at least a 100gal
Get that 100 ASAP. With an all male tank you are bound to run into territorial issues. Also the bioload is going to be huge with just the Oscar alone.

I agree with the rush on the larger tank. I had two oscars and they out grew a 65 gal in no time!
I agree with the rush on the larger tank. I had two oscars and they out grew a 65 gal in no time!

You'll prob see the oscars outgrow the other fish pretty quickly. They grow like weeds. They maybe the most docile in the tank at times but you don't want your fish to be snacks. The mess they make is just plain stupid also. They are great fish to keep but require a lot of tank maintenance.
Agreed. 29 gallon may b ok for two small guys for a bit but if your new to fishkeeping the oscar will outgrow it in months. They're PIG's!! 100+ would be ideal! I saw a single one make a 55 DISGUSTING AND UNMAINTAINABLE. Granted the owner didn't keep up as he should have but it's hard... The bigger the tank the less constant maintenance. Part of why I switched to smaller mbuna and their cleaner eating habits, although still requires weekly partial changes.
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