Why wont my GBR's breed??? Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 12, 2013
All my parameters are in check and I do weekly water changes. There's plenty of stones and flat spots for them to lay their eggs on. I think the reason they won't breed is because my PH is to high. It's around 7.2 and I've read that in needs to be under 7. What are some natural ways to lower my ph, I don't want to use any chemicals.

Also could I be because my tank is overstocked?

Another question...my rams are rather aggressive towards each other. The male chases the female a lot and I don't think they like each other. My female has a pink stomach and is more rounded than the male. But the male is way more colorful!

I've read that rams are faithful breeders and usually stick to one mate. But my rams don't really even hangout together?

What am I doing wrong??? PLEASE HELP
It's simple. You don't have a pair. Rams don't just pair because you put a male and female together. I bought a total of 12 male and female rams with the hope of getting one maybe two pairs. I was really lucky to end up with three pairs but I would have been thrilled if only got one.
If your ram are indeed a pair they will have a better chance of breeding if your ph was abit lower. How hard is your water? If it hard, softer water would also help.
Have you thought or considered an ro unit?
It's simple. You don't have a pair. Rams don't just pair because you put a male and female together. I bought a total of 12 male and female rams with the hope of getting one maybe two pairs. I was really lucky to end up with three pairs but I would have been thrilled if only got one.

Is that the only way to get a pair? Buy a bunch and hope you get one? Is there no chance mine will pair up?
If your ram are indeed a pair they will have a better chance of breeding if your ph was abit lower. How hard is your water? If it hard, softer water would also help.
Have you thought or considered an ro unit?

Do u know any natural ways to lower ph? I'm not sure how hard or soft the water is, my test kit doesn't test for that.
Putting pete in the filter box, you can buy different types of leaves to put in your tank that will lower ph but both will probably stain your water.
Where can I get peat? At LFS or grocery store? I dot want my water to be disco lords though?
There is always a chance that they may pair but the more time that goes by the less likely I think. The only other way to get a pair. would be to buy a proven pair from a breeder. You could contact www.oddballfish.com They have a awesome ram breeding program that was established in the 50's I think. I'v heard nothing but good things about them.

Also, when doing water changes are you making sure the new water is 2 to 4 degrees lower than the tanks normal temp? Which should be 80F. So new water should be 77 to78F.
There is always a chance that they may pair but the more time that goes by the less likely I think. The only other way to get a pair. would be to buy a proven pair from a breeder. You could contact www.oddballfish.com They have a awesome ram breeding program that was established in the 50's I think. I'v heard nothing but good things about them.

Also, when doing water changes are you making sure the new water is 2 to 4 degrees lower than the tanks normal temp? Which should be 80F. So new water should be 77 to78F.

I'll keep them together and see what happens. I'll definitely check out that site though. And I'll make sure to make the water a few degrees colder now! My water temp is 80F exactly.

What are some natural ways to lower ph and promote breeding in my tank?
The only true ways to lower PH are driftwood Or mixing RO water, Peat works but will tannis the water and has to be replenished often.

I wouldnt focus on the ph so much. my rams have breed in ph from 6.4 to 7.2.
It has more to do with water conditions and food from my experience. Have you read My ram breeding thread? link is in my sig. Ton of good info from several sources.
I'm pretty sure my water conditions are good I change the water every 6-10 days

And what's your "sig"? Sorry about my dumbness lol. Ill deff read it !
Signature, lol np. I should have spelled it

Oh, my bad I should've know that! And I have another question. I think another reason may be because there's another male EBR in the tank and it may be competition in the tank for the male ram. I think that's why he's always chasing the girl and the EBR. So that he is the dominant one.

If I move the EBR to a different tank, could that help with things?
I would put the males in different tanks for sure leave the female with the German. You don't want cross pairing. That's a no no. Not good for the species.
I would put the males in different tanks for sure leave the female with the German. You don't want cross pairing. That's a no no. Not good for the species.

Ok good, cause I literally just moved some fish around and put the male EBR In my community 10 gal.

I know there not supposed to be out in a 10 gal, but it's all I got. He's got a few tank mates but I figured he might like it cause he could be king is the tank :) in the 26, my male GBR is the king of the tank.

In the 10 he would no longer be getting bullied either.

Do you think it was a good decision ? Or no?
Yup, it will work for awhile. The 20g min for rams is a good guideline. Sounds like you need a couple more tanks.
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Yup, it will work. I'v talked with more than a few people that breed rams that keep breed pairs in 10'sThe 20g min for rams is a good guildline

That makes me feel much better!!

Here's a pic of the lil guy about 30 mins after I added him. He's still a bit discolored but its already swimming around, checking out the tank, and meeting his new tank mates :)


I also think he's going to enjoy all the plants, considering my other tank only had one. Ill also be adding driftwood to both tanks in the next few days so that should help with the semi high ph :)

Btw I couldn't find you thread on breeding. Do you think you could link it in a comment on this thread please?
Here is a link


If you only had one plant in the pairs tank. Then part of the problem your having is the tank set up. Rams like to have some dense planted areas for hiding but also some open swim area. A cave hide spot under drift wood will work also. The thread will help.

Here's a full tank shot, there's lots of caves and hiding spots. If like to eventually swap out all the plastic plants to real plants. What would you recommend ?


Here's a full tank shot of the planted 10 gal.


Some of the plants are still growing in. I plant on taking out the red arch and putting a piece of driftwood there with some type of plant on it like they sell at Petco.

Thanks for the link, ill read it then ask you any questions I still have :)

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