Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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I siphon the babies into a pitcher and move them into a tank with aged water at the same temp. I just slowly submerge the pitcher until its full then slowly tip it over and pull it out at an angle.

Thats what i do also.
YEAH!!!!! I see you guys are "with the program" :D You gave all the answers I would have given :D
So no putting the parents back with the fry, (They will most likely eat them) and use airline tubing to siphon in fry tanks until the fry get bigger. I would only add that I also use a 12"-18" piece of 3/16" thinwall plastic tubing (I get from LFS) on one end of the tubing so that I can better direct the tubing to where I want to siphon. As the fry get larger, you can get larger diameter clear plastic tubing from any home improvement store and rigid plastic to match it.
Lastly, I move the fry as well by siphoning. I control the speed of the siphon by adjusting the height of the container I am siphoning in to. The closer to level the slower the siphoning speed.

Hope this helps
this is like our collage coarse in angels and your the professor so we have to listen and learn . lol
... tubing to siphon in fry tanks until the fry get bigger. I would only add that I also use a 12"-18" piece of 3/16" thinwall plastic tubing (I get from LFS) on one end of the tubing so that I can better direct the tubing to where I want to siphon. As the fry get larger, you can get larger diameter clear plastic tubing from any home improvement store and rigid plastic to match it.
Lastly, I move the fry as well by siphoning. I control the speed of the siphon by adjusting the height of the container I am siphoning in to. The closer to level the slower the siphoning speed.

Hope this helps

I use the tubing also. It helps when you have an angry pair attacking while you remove fry...
Thanks everyone for your input. I truly appreciate it. I will give it a try this weekend. Stay tuned for the results on Sunday evening or Monday morning. I will have to setup my 40 gallon breeder now for the fry.
Thanks everyone for your input. I truly appreciate it. I will give it a try this weekend. Stay tuned for the results on Sunday evening or Monday morning. I will have to setup my 40 gallon breeder now for the fry.

Try to set up the 40 as close to exactly the same water parameters as the tank they are in now. This will reduce the stress of the move as much as possible. Also, make sure you use some kind of agent (i.e. prime, Stress-zyme, Novaqua, etc) to help age the water before you put the fry in. All this helps reduce moving stress on the fry. Once the fish have adjusted to their new surroundings (i.e they are eating), then you can start to gradually change things. (In my case, most of the places I will be selling my fish to have a harder & higher PH water than what I will raise mine in. That means that as they grow, I will be slowly adjusting their water to be more like my Tap water instead of the soft , low PH water they were hatched in. Change is fine as long as it's gradual. Thank goodness Angelfish adapt pretty easily to change, just not to rapid changes.

Good luck with the move (y)
I use the tubing also. It helps when you have an angry pair attacking while you remove fry...

At least Angels have small mouths so the marks they leave are small. Try explaining your bloody stumps after removing Oscar eggs from really protective adults. People look at you kinda strange when you tell them "I was taking my fish's eggs away from them so they beat me up!!!" :ROFLMAO: (I think my scars finally healed a year or so ago. LOL :D)
Try to set up the 40 as close to exactly the same water parameters as the tank they are in now. This will reduce the stress of the move as much as possible. Also, make sure you use some kind of agent (i.e. prime, Stress-zyme, Novaqua, etc) to help age the water before you put the fry in. All this helps reduce moving stress on the fry. Once the fish have adjusted to their new surroundings (i.e they are eating), then you can start to gradually change things. (In my case, most of the places I will be selling my fish to have a harder & higher PH water than what I will raise mine in. That means that as they grow, I will be slowly adjusting their water to be more like my Tap water instead of the soft , low PH water they were hatched in. Change is fine as long as it's gradual. Thank goodness Angelfish adapt pretty easily to change, just not to rapid changes. Good luck with the move (y)

Ok thanks Andy, I will definitely do that. I plan on taking some of the water out of the parents tank and some of my other tanks when I do my water changes and transfer it to the 40 along with some fresh water. All of my tanks have pretty much the same parameters. I will also put some seasoned media in the new filter to get that started quickly. I will first put the 5 babies I have left from my last breeder pair into the 40 (they are in a 10 gallon and need more space) by the time the new babies need to be transferred the 5 that will be in the 40 should be ready to come out of the 40 and into my 120. I have a 10 gallon, 8 gallon and 3 five 1/2 gallons that are running with nothing in them right now. Depending on how many babies I get out of the 20 I may have to split them between those empty tanks until they are big enough to be transferred to the 40.
.....or set up some extra sponge filters in an established tank so that when you have to move babies into a new tank, you just need to add one of those established sponge filters and you're done ( after you replace the sponge filter in the established tank for future use ;) ) I always have a filter or 2 ready to go. Since the fry will not create that much bioload at the start, the BB bed in the sponge filter will either expand or contract to whatever is necessary so no need to cycle a tank for the fry, it's already done this way :D
I have three sponge filters ready to go and a forth one that I need to get the BB established. The one I need to get established is a six or eight inch sponge filter. It's one of the biggest sponges I've seen around hear.
I have three sponge filters ready to go and a forth one that I need to get the BB established. The one I need to get established is a six or eight inch sponge filter. It's one of the biggest sponges I've seen around hear.

Then I'm confused. What's the need for the "Seasoned media" in the filter? If it's already in the sponge filter, it will get into the other filter as well. That being said, why are you using anything other than a sponge filter for your fry? HOBs are not recommended until the fry are in their final grow out tanks (even though I only use sponge filters in there too.) I don't want any type of filter that can suck up a baby. That's $$ out of my pocket ;)
Then I'm confused. What's the need for the "Seasoned media" in the filter? If it's already in the sponge filter, it will get into the other filter as well. That being said, why are you using anything other than a sponge filter for your fry? HOBs are not recommended until the fry are in their final grow out tanks (even though I only use sponge filters in there too.) I don't want any type of filter that can suck up a baby. That's $$ out of my pocket ;)

I want to season the six inch sponge for my forty gallon. The others I have are not big enough. I have a canister on the breeder tank with a sponge filter attached to the intake. I hope this clears things up.
I have a bunch of happy thriving babies!!! All they have right now is a heater and airstone, and after seeing that the trates in my 55 are almost 0 thanx to growing plants, i literally swap water between the 2 tanks every other day. In feeding them commercial food right now, with bbs in the works, but due to temps im having issues, so ill have to build a box...
I do!!! Desperately!!! But walmart decidied after 6 months of me working 40 hours a week on overnights that im not fast enough to be worst keeping. Even tho last night i literally finished my dept by myself, but also helped finish 4 others... tonight is my last night, then ill be pouring my time and energy into my tanks for a bit. Starting with resealing a 29 for my fry.
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