Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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A little update. My koi parents are successfully raising their brood. The female is extremely protective to the extent of attacking the food (bbs) I put in the tank. I did try this time starting with feeding with microworms for a week prior to the bbs and that did the trick. The fry must be too small for the bbs. They've been free swimming for 2 weeks now.
Most fry now days are a lot smaller than they used to be. but i have seen with proper environment, care, and food as well as letting them mature before mating will produce bigger and healthier fry. then again some angels are so inbred that there's nothing we can do to cure this small fry epidemic except we all try to breed large mature healthy angels.
I can see the difference in my two clutches in the same tank in size. My big silver is about two years old versus my little silver who is about 1 year old. My old fish has bigger fry than my little silver and the eggs themselves are bigger.
Most fry now days are a lot smaller than they used to be. but i have seen with proper environment, care, and food as well as letting them mature before mating will produce bigger and healthier fry. then again some angels are so inbred that there's nothing we can do to cure this small fry epidemic except we all try to breed large mature healthy angels.

+1 Nothing more need be said ;)
The black one is being shipped out today andy and i should receive her tomorrow. excitedly waiting by the mail box at 10 am.
Hi guys I have a question I have 6 angelfish and I'm wondering what things I can do to promote breeding I really really want a breeding pair one had a "wife" but she died so I don't think he will ever breed again right?
So now I'm wondering when they will breed. I don't know the age I got them at a small size (will post a picture) and now they're about half dollar each (will post those too) except the previous breeder he is about softball size 0_o


Sorry I don't have anything to compare the young ones too. I don't remember how big they were.

Any help is appreciated! I have amazon swords but I didn't know the kind of lighting I had it was kinda trial for them and they're not looking too good so I think i'm gonna have to be taking them out.

I have two pots stacked over each other as a breeding area. I plan to be taking the babies out once they're free swimming and raising them from there.

Thank you!


These are the current sizes. Can anyone figure out approximate age as well? Thanks!

EDIT; the whole post got messed up. First picture = old
Next = new

Then out of the group of them. The first 5 are old and the rest are new.

Sorry :(


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all you can do is imitate there breeding season. every week do a 25% cool water change. fill it backup slowly . i had one pair that i had to hook up a spray mister to imitate rain when refilling as to stimulate her. try to also get a piece of flat back ceramic tile trim piece ,usually about 3x12 . most carpet and tile stores carry them. i think home depo and lows also have single pieces. the clay pots will work but i like to give them a couple choices cause as we know pregnant females can be finicky. lol jk. that's about all you can do then sit back and wait. yes i hate waiting to. but once they start its game on every 8 to 15 days . when they do breed keep up the water changes on the same day every time. hi protein foods also to condition them for breeding.
I can see the difference in my two clutches in the same tank in size. My big silver is about two years old versus my little silver who is about 1 year old. My old fish has bigger fry than my little silver and the eggs themselves are bigger.

I think I mentioned this a few pages back ;) :whistle: :D This is why I separate my sexes until they get bigger. I don't like to have extra work with the fry :blink:
all you can do is imitate there breeding season. every week do a 25% cool water change. fill it backup slowly . i had one pair that i had to hook up a spray mister to imitate rain when refilling as to stimulate her. try to also get a piece of flat back ceramic tile trim piece ,usually about 3x12 . most carpet and tile stores carry them. i think home depo and lows also have single pieces. the clay pots will work but i like to give them a couple choices cause as we know pregnant females can be finicky. lol jk. that's about all you can do then sit back and wait. yes i hate waiting to. but once they start its game on every 8 to 15 days . when they do breed keep up the water changes on the same day every time. hi protein foods also to condition them for breeding.

Awesome thank you!
I cant speek for everyone but i just wanted to say that this little angel fish forem we have going means the world to me. i dont think most people realize how passionate i am about the angel fish. It has became an obsession for me. it seams like all my free time goes into reserch of this fish. well not all but i do a lot. and im so thankful for all the other angel fish lovers here. i will be starting a site about angel fish only, prity soon . i have a few people helping me with it so when its done i will be linking it to all my friends and who ever wants to look.. ty for listening to my mushy speech .
Ive been following this thread since it started and have learned so much from everyone about these beautiful fish and all their little habits and attitudes. I love my Angels and am so grateful for everyone's advice. is this one of the largest threads on the site?
I agree with you Bob. This site is awesome and the people to.

On another note, I transferred my wigglers to the rearing jar this morning. They all look good so far. I am so excited. Can't wait till they become free swimming. Fingers crossed.
Hi guys I have a question I have 6 angelfish and I'm wondering what things I can do to promote breeding I really really want a breeding pair one had a "wife" but she died so I don't think he will ever breed again right?
So now I'm wondering when they will breed. I don't know the age I got them at a small size (will post a picture) and now they're about half dollar each (will post those too) except the previous breeder he is about softball size 0_o

Sorry I don't have anything to compare the young ones too. I don't remember how big they were.

Any help is appreciated! I have amazon swords but I didn't know the kind of lighting I had it was kinda trial for them and they're not looking too good so I think i'm gonna have to be taking them out.

I have two pots stacked over each other as a breeding area. I plan to be taking the babies out once they're free swimming and raising them from there.

Thank you!

These are the current sizes. Can anyone figure out approximate age as well? Thanks!

EDIT; the whole post got messed up. First picture = old
Next = new

Then out of the group of them. The first 5 are old and the rest are new.

Sorry :(

Your fish still look very young in the pics it mite be awhile before they pair off and spawn but that's just my opinion I might be wrong.
So ive been planting the other side of the 55g, partly to help stabilize the water, but also for the larger babies to play/hide in as this will be the final stage growout for the fry that dont sell right away. I plan on getting another big tank for this, but need to sell a few batches first to get the money im attempting for a semi biotope for them. Here is a pic. Plants are
red jungle val x 3
Corkscrew val x 4
Amazon swords, plain and ruffled 1 each
Dwarf lily x 1


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I cant speek for everyone but i just wanted to say that this little angel fish forem we have going means the world to me. i dont think most people realize how passionate i am about the angel fish. It has became an obsession for me. it seams like all my free time goes into reserch of this fish. well not all but i do a lot. and im so thankful for all the other angel fish lovers here. i will be starting a site about angel fish only, prity soon . i have a few people helping me with it so when its done i will be linking it to all my friends and who ever wants to look.. ty for listening to my mushy speech .

I look forward to seeing it (y)
Fish keeping, especially Angelfish keeping, can be very addictive. I can still picture, in my mind's eye, my first Angelfish tank and that was over 40 years ago. For me, it's got to be the shape as the colors are so different today than then. Yet I still love these fish. :D
ok chicy i get first dibs on the corkscrew vales when they spread out and u have to many lol the angels love them
I have another question for the guru's. Whas the next stage of angelfish baby food? i have Walter micro and banana worms and they get gobbled up. I just wanna be ready for the next step when the time comes.
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