Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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I totally forgot you had your tanks outside. Got my box in today and the endlers. Will be making new thread momentarily.
I broke the cardinal rule and spoke too soon. We had a warming spell yesterday and my porch went to over 80 degrees. Today, day 2 on one of the spawns, I pulled the earlier spawn and saw a large percentage of dead eggs, the same amount almost as the ones that were 24 hours old. Looks like that darn high temp got me again.
But on a brighter note, the marble free swimmers are doing fine. Here's a look....
I heard this page has information about breeding all types of fish and I was wondering what page I could find info about breeding platies.
I heard this page has information about breeding all types of fish and I was wondering what page I could find info about breeding platies.
Actually, this thread is about breeding Angelfish. There are other threads in the "Breeding Forum" that discuss breeding Platies. You'll need to search through the list for them tho.

Hope this helps (y)
I don;t want to be a "doom & gloom" kind of guy but you need to remember that these fish don;t always outgrow this type of behavior and can actually be scarred and not do well because of it. It sounds like there just may be too much traffic in the tank now for them. I'd just keep a close eye on them and watch how much they feed. If it decreases, I'd move the other fish out of the tank.
That's the worst case scenario. :( Hopefully they just need to get used to their new tankmates. :D

Good luck (y)

I usually check on them daily and sometimes I will just sit and watch them for a while. I will see how they act over the next couple of days.
It happened again. My gold marble/gold pair spawned today!!! This spawn will stay with them for as long as possible. See how long they will parent...

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So my cherry barb female is facing down in the tank but still swimming. My two males are not really interested in her. Anyone know what's going on?
So my cherry barb female is facing down in the tank but still swimming. My two males are not really interested in her. Anyone know what's going on?

You need to ask this question in a different thread. This one is about breeding Angelfish.
I'd suggest you post in the "Unhealthy Fish" forum as this sounds like your female is not doing well. Barbs do not usually use this position for spawning.

Good luck with her (y)
So just to update:
I moved the remaining eggs from out side from the pair with the older eggs and they hatched indoors the next day. ( the Golden Zebra experiment is still going on:) )The second spawn from the other pair in the same tank was too far gone to even bother. Eventually, the parents ate all of the eggs, fungused ones and all. Next time, I will just have to bring them in a.s.a.p. so the weather doesn;t get to them. :(
I can't wait for this building already. It will solve so many of my problems!!!!!
So just to update:
I moved the remaining eggs from out side from the pair with the older eggs and they hatched indoors the next day. ( the Golden Zebra experiment is still going on:) )The second spawn from the other pair in the same tank was too far gone to even bother. Eventually, the parents ate all of the eggs, fungused ones and all. Next time, I will just have to bring them in a.s.a.p. so the weather doesn;t get to them. :(
I can't wait for this building already. It will solve so many of my problems!!!!!

The golden zebra experiment sounds interesting. I'm excited for you on getting the building up :fish1: :fish1: :fish1:

When the wife hits retirement age we've already discussed moving to Florida I'll probably still be in this hobby so I'm sure I'll be dabbling with a fish house one day.

I'm still treating my one fish from that pair and he/she is doing VERY good. I have 3 more days of treatment, a big water change and one more week of observation before I place he/she back in the "55 of love"

Andy, I've read that the males usually have a rounder body and are somewhat smaller. Does this seem to be your consensus?

I've also got one that's hiding behind the slate a good bit in the 55 which worries me. It doesn't have clamped fins or anything but from experience I've found them being stationary and hiding usually isn't a good sign

Last of my update is my old big air pump is up and running again. Found it amongst a box of old stuff from back in the day and got a rebuild kit. Man it is AWESOME to have so much air available.

Hope everyone's doing well!
The golden zebra experiment sounds interesting. I'm excited for you on getting the building up :fish1: :fish1: :fish1:

When the wife hits retirement age we've already discussed moving to Florida I'll probably still be in this hobby so I'm sure I'll be dabbling with a fish house one day.

I'm still treating my one fish from that pair and he/she is doing VERY good. I have 3 more days of treatment, a big water change and one more week of observation before I place he/she back in the "55 of love"

Andy, I've read that the males usually have a rounder body and are somewhat smaller. Does this seem to be your consensus?

I've also got one that's hiding behind the slate a good bit in the 55 which worries me. It doesn't have clamped fins or anything but from experience I've found them being stationary and hiding usually isn't a good sign

Last of my update is my old big air pump is up and running again. Found it amongst a box of old stuff from back in the day and got a rebuild kit. Man it is AWESOME to have so much air available.

Hope everyone's doing well!
So when is she retirement age? Should I start looking for a piece of land around me, for you, now? lol

It's been my experience that males are generally LARGER than females not smaller. HOWEVER, with all the new varieties available, this may not always be true anymore. I have had instances where a larger female really beat the crap out of smaller males trying to court her. This happened when I was trying to force a pairing so who knows if this is the norm or not. I never tried it again. I just used larger males from that point.

As for that round body, again, if we were talking about wild fish, I'd say this was truer than false but again, I don't use body shape as a sexing tool.
I use Anal fin position and angle as my sexing tool along with the morning "bulge" method. ( I have an obvious female silver almost bursting with eggs, that I don;t have a male for. It's just that obvious :lol:)

As for the fish hiding behind the slate, it could mean a few things. One is that it is being chased by the other fish in the tank and it just feels more secure behind there. Second is that there are not enough decorations in the tank so it feels more secure behind the slate. Third could be an early sign of disease. If your other fish have come down with something after doing this and you have ruled out the first 2 things, you may want to put this fish in a hospital tank for observation and treat if necessary. Based on your previous pictures tho, I'm thinking not enough decor. I use almost nothing in my tanks but my fish only see me or anyone at feeding time so they have no reason to be spooked. ( You can see what I have in my breeder's tanks in the video at post #2223.)

As for old equipment, I'm all for it. I have a whisper 1000 that I can't seem to get the right parts for so I had to buy new pumps. Really ticked me off! LOL And I still use my Hush 3 pump ( much to my fish store buddy's dismay. He said " How can anyone make any money from you if you keep fixing things and don't buy anything new?" :ROFLMAO:) If I could only get the diaphragms for the Silent Giant pumps, I'd really be in business. lol Next is my old compressor. That baby should handle the new building with no sweat!!!! It ran my last hatchery. (y) I keep EVERYTHING!!!!!! :lol:

Hey everyone! I posted on here about my angels about six months ago. I took some new pictures and wanted to give an update. I have four angels all slightly larger than a half dollar. The two in the picture together I think paired off. They are almost always together. They also pec at the slate and vertical tube. Maybe prepping spawn sight I hope, but no eggs yet.

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So when is she retirement age? Should I start looking for a piece of land around me, for you, now? lol

It's been my experience that males are generally LARGER than females not smaller. HOWEVER, with all the new varieties available, this may not always be true anymore. I have had instances where a larger female really beat the crap out of smaller males trying to court her. This happened when I was trying to force a pairing so who knows if this is the norm or not. I never tried it again. I just used larger males from that point.

As for that round body, again, if we were talking about wild fish, I'd say this was truer than false but again, I don't use body shape as a sexing tool.
I use Anal fin position and angle as my sexing tool along with the morning "bulge" method. ( I have an obvious female silver almost bursting with eggs, that I don;t have a male for. It's just that obvious :lol:)

As for the fish hiding behind the slate, it could mean a few things. One is that it is being chased by the other fish in the tank and it just feels more secure behind there. Second is that there are not enough decorations in the tank so it feels more secure behind the slate. Third could be an early sign of disease. If your other fish have come down with something after doing this and you have ruled out the first 2 things, you may want to put this fish in a hospital tank for observation and treat if necessary. Based on your previous pictures tho, I'm thinking not enough decor. I use almost nothing in my tanks but my fish only see me or anyone at feeding time so they have no reason to be spooked. ( You can see what I have in my breeder's tanks in the video at post #2223.)

As for old equipment, I'm all for it. I have a whisper 1000 that I can't seem to get the right parts for so I had to buy new pumps. Really ticked me off! LOL And I still use my Hush 3 pump ( much to my fish store buddy's dismay. He said " How can anyone make any money from you if you keep fixing things and don't buy anything new?" :ROFLMAO:) If I could only get the diaphragms for the Silent Giant pumps, I'd really be in business. lol Next is my old compressor. That baby should handle the new building with no sweat!!!! It ran my last hatchery. (y) I keep EVERYTHING!!!!!! :lol:


We've got another 15 or 20 to go. Possibly a relocation earlier. I hate to say it like this but once our parents pass we will not have much keeping us in this area. Charleston is a decent city but Gang crime and other things are prompting us to consider moving earlier and earlier.

Thanks for the tips on sexing. I went ahead and put the slate dweller in hospital. I think that first round of fish I brought in where that one had the hemoraging brought in something.

I either ant to pull down that tank and disinfect it or disinfect and sell it. Hindsight is 20/20 wish I hadn't bought it. and just went with a new 20H. It was either the substrate from that tank or that first round of fish.

I'm an old cheap skate and tinkerer. My washer and dryer are close to 30 years old and run like new. Parts is cheap and I have time, I also drive a 14 year old car that runs and looks like new. I try to squirrel away money for those "rainy days" I think that was lost on many of my generation.

I'm eagerly awaiting groundbreaking on your new building. I might not make it this summer but I'd like to plan a trip to visit next. Wife's finishing up some school this year.

Hey everyone! I posted on here about my angels about six months ago. I took some new pictures and wanted to give an update. I have four angels all slightly larger than a half dollar. The two in the picture together I think paired off. They are almost always together. They also pec at the slate and vertical tube. Maybe prepping spawn sight I hope, but no eggs yet.

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They look good and I wish you good luck with them :cool:
Hey everyone! I posted on here about my angels about six months ago. I took some new pictures and wanted to give an update. I have four angels all slightly larger than a half dollar. The two in the picture together I think paired off. They are almost always together. They also pec at the slate and vertical tube. Maybe prepping spawn sight I hope, but no eggs yet.

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Congrats. Those are nice looking fish (y) Sounds like the 2 have paired up. Hopefully they will spawn on the slate and not the tube. Much easier to deal with that way. ;)
Keep us posted (y)
So... I think my gold marble/gold veil pair may have eaten their wigglers, but they are still acting like they have them... I'm thinking maybe they moved them, because the female is also going behind the slate, which she doesn't usually do, and almost fanning so I'm tonne just leave them be and see if they bring them back out, after all they do like to clean the slate of shells after the fry hatch.

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So... I think my gold marble/gold veil pair may have eaten their wigglers, but they are still acting like they have them... I'm thinking maybe they moved them, because the female is also going behind the slate, which she doesn't usually do, and almost fanning so I'm tonne just leave them be and see if they bring them back out, after all they do like to clean the slate of shells after the fry hatch.

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I refer you to page 218 posts# 2172, 2174 & 75, Page 220 posts #2191 & 2193. They say it all for me :D:lol:

Final words..... If they look like they have fry, they have fry......somewhere :brows:
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